Video Production > 博客

今天的流媒体制作规模从通过网络摄像头捕获的即兴在线广播,并在公司防火墙内交付,到大规模的专业多摄像机制作,在全球范围内流式传输. 与教程,  评论, and analysis from leading producers, the content on this page looks at preproduction, audio and video capture, 编码, 尤其是成功的流媒体必不可少的装备和策略.

Save your FREE seat for Streaming Media Connect this August. 现在注册!

The Quest for Greater Efficiency in Video Processing

观众对高质量4K视频内容的需求直线上升, 预计8K视频在未来几年也会激增. 然而, with increased resolution comes much larger file sizes, 由于需要增加存储和处理能力,媒体提供商面临哪些挑战. 自然,媒体公司正在寻找更有效地处理视频的方法. MainConcept的Frank Schönberger探讨了内容提供商和视频服务如何利用视频压缩和人工智能技术的发展来提高广播工作流程的每个阶段的效率, from the point of capture to delivery to the end user.

Instant Replay: Streaming Media Connect November 2023

流媒体于11月13日至16日举行了第12届Connect虚拟会议, with media industry cartographer Evan Shapiro as host and MC. Shapiro kicked off the event with a dynamic keynote, 深入挖掘第三季度财报电话会议数据,让新闻顾问们承担责任,并对该行业给出一个不加粉饰的看法. 其他亮点包括与Shobana Radhakrishnan合作的《百家乐软件》, Senior Director of Engineering at Google TV, 和几个小组讨论主题,如流媒体和CTV的云工作流程, Optimizing Live Streams at Scale, How Codec Patent Pools Will Impact Streaming in 2024, Making 在线直播 and VOD 更多的 Accessible, 在线直播 Technology Trends, 和更多的.

Unlocking the Promise of 4K Streaming Through VVC Adoption

MediaKind的Tony Jones讨论了通用视频编码(VVC)的稳定采用率及其众多好处, 例如显著的成本节约和降低了流媒体的能耗.


The broadcast industry has changed at an extraordinary pace. 基础技术和消费者的观看习惯已经演变成一个复杂多变的市场. 广播新闻也不例外,无论是从制作水平还是对观众的最终效果. Bitcentral的山姆·彼得森(Sam Peterson)写了一篇关于协作使生产团队效率最大化的文章.


.布鲁克林的创意总监Christopher Fung在各种项目中创作和合作, including music videos, installation art, experience design, interactive media, 动画, and traditional filmmaking, and his latest focus is his new Twitch channel, Unstrctrd.


From slow internet to troublesome routers and modems, 本指南将一劳永逸地涵盖您的现场活动流媒体问题.


To successfully deliver dynamic targeted ads, service providers need a flexible, scalable and reliable infrastructure. 云允许服务提供商扩展以满足数百万并发流的需求.


Streaming Media West将于11月15日至16日在亨廷顿海滩回归, with Streaming Media University Workshops on November 14. Registration is open now.

5 Great Reasons to Attend Streaming Media East

Jan Ozer will lead workshops, 演讲, and panels covering advanced codecs, gear for remote productions, WebRTC, 低延时, 并于5月23日至25日在波士顿的Streaming Media East上降低带宽和存储成本.


Robert Reinhardt的研讨会将涵盖使用FFmpeg和管理视频会议输入和输出的最新提示和技巧, 而演示和小组讨论将着眼于将您的网络广播和事件流媒体工作提升到一个新的水平.


帮助您管理当前和新出现的大规模直播挑战, Streaming Media East 2022-May 24-25, 现场直播和面对面的特点是一个拥挤的直播流在规模轨道, 包括如何和最佳实践,以确保您的现场活动顺利进行, whether your audience is in the thousands or the millions.

What Does It Mean To Be 'Better Than Broadcast?'

在提供广播和流媒体技术的行业中,“比广播更好”已经被讨论了很多. 这是一个行动呼吁,询问我们如何改进对广播外观的传统期望, feels and operates. 它重新定义了什么——或者谁——甚至有资格成为一名广播员. It is an effort to get creative, 易于使用的, "broadcast-quality" tools in the hands of more creators.

Where Are the Women in the Streaming Media Industry?

看看任何一个会议项目——包括我们自己的——都清楚地表明:流媒体行业早就应该认真对待性别失衡问题了, 找出并解决根本问题,而不仅仅是表面现象.

Why Content Creators Need to Embrace OTT

OTT已经成为各种形式、规模和行业的内容创作者的游戏规则改变者. As technology continues to advance and evolve, 对于内容创作者来说,这将是一个更大的福音.


我想确保你的公司被列入我们的年度最重要公司名单, 创新, and interesting companies in the online video space? 继续读下去, and send in your nominations by August 27.

Enterprise Video Poised to Continue Growing Post-Pandemic

New research from Streaming Media, 帮助我流媒体, Open Exchange表示,新冠肺炎疫情封锁既凸显了企业视频的优势,也暴露了企业视频的弱点.

How Will Streaming Services Monetize to Compete?

Streaming advertising took off in 2020, but research shows that users will pay to avoid ads, or just ignore them. So how can ad-based OTT services stay in the game?

Driven by the IP NOC, Video Operations Enter a New Age

视频行业正在从集中式工作室和操作转向远程制作. IP网络运营中心是一个相对较新的概念,但它正在迅速流行起来.

Heralding a New Era of Broadcast Innovation with 5G and C-Band

5G和c波段的影响将给生产带来翻天覆地的变化, 分布, and delivery of video

The 2020 Streaming Media Readers' Choice Winners

26个类别. 220个提名. 更多的 than 25,000 votes. 谁在今年的流媒体读者选择奖中获得了大奖? 继续读下去.