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  • 美国


igolgi is a leading global provider of reliable video encoding 和 transcoding solutions for virtually any use case.  Our turn-key solutions for Cable, IPTV, ATSC1.0和3.0, Cloud, OTT, 和 VoD power thous和s of live 和 VoD channels every day.  igolgi’s recent innovations in Just-In-Time Transcoding (耀变体) are helping companies reduce their OTT deployment costs by up to 70%, 当转码速度达到100倍时.  The updated iLux-Live can now transcode up to 160 HD channels or 80 channels of ABR. Founded in 2008, igolgi is headquartered in Princeton, NJ, with R&D facilities in Chicago 和 Barcelona, Spain.  欲了解更多信息,请访问igolgi



iLux Live超密集转码器

igolgi's latest generation platform for live OTT transcoding offers a leap in 渠道密度功率效率. Compared to the 2023 product lineup that offered 40 HD channels in a 1U system (or 20 ABR channels), the new platform offers up to 160 HD channels or 80 channels of ABR.

同时,新平台 将每个频道的功率降低85%.

iLux Live Transcoders have been powering cable, satellite, 和 IPTV networks for 15 years.  This new platform leverages all the software features available in the iLux Live product 和 takes it to the next level of performance.  Customers can seamlessly upgrade systems with a drop in replacement 和 immediately save on rack space 和 power.

The platform is built with off the shelf components 和 is available as a software license, 设备, 或者可以在几乎所有的云提供商上运行.


耀变体Just-In-Time-Transcoding (JITT)

实时速度高达100倍, 耀变体 JITT eliminates the need for traditional bitrate ladders, saving money, b和width, storage, 和 time.

Just-in-Time Transcoding (JITT) is a method where compressed video 和 audio signals are converted from one format to another at the precise moment a request for the signal is made by a video or audio player. This requires the transcoding system to function at speeds much faster than real time. 耀变体JITT, 动态扩展的设备, has the unique ability to transcode at a speed up to 100 times faster than real time. 在耀变体星系, only the topmost profile — the one with the highest   bitrate — needs to be stored on the DVR storage system.

igolgi’s 耀变体 highly optimized  transcoder 和 resource manager software   runs on st和ard Linux servers with GPU accelerator hardware.  The stack efficiently manages the compute resources to match the transcode requests in a very scalable 和 efficient manner which is at the true heart of the innovation.  耀变体 is available as a software component that can run on any cloud provider such as Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, “公盟”等., or is available as an on-premise solution. The 耀变体 Software stack is controlled from a simple but powerful API that can be integrated into any workflow.

耀变体JITT fully leverages the latest developments in GPU 和 CPU technologies 和 makes optimum use of the various resources in both platforms.  JITT在过去已经被考虑过, but neither the COTS computer power nor the software architecture could achieve the speed 和 scale required for hybrid operations that 耀变体 is able to accomplish.

When a client device requests the content, 耀变体 is capable of immediately converting the content to the best bitrate 和 resolution profile required by the client's device type, 可用的最后一英里带宽, CDN的带宽, 内容类型. Instead of having a bitrate ladder with multiple profiles, the igolgi 耀变体JITT system is an infinite ladder with only one stored profile.  This saves 84% storage compared to a static ladder 和 59% compared to a content aware ladder, meaning lower storage 和 b和width cost.  Depending on the content streamed by a CDN, this can amount to impressive cost savings. These savings get further amplified with 4K 和 higher resolution video content.

Another excellent feature of 耀变体JITT is its’ use with an edge cache. When an endpoint device requests the top profile, then the Origin server provides that top profile from the DVR storage, 和 the edge cache can cache it for future use.  When an endpoint client requests a lesser profile, the edge cache redirects the request to 耀变体JITT, which retrieves the top profile then transcodes it to the requested profile. 耀变体JITT can be placed next to the Origin server or adjacent to edge cache depending on traffic loads .

In addition to cost savings 和 higher quality video for lower profiles, the 耀变体JITT solution reduces power consumed by the IPTV infrastructure.  Since only the top profile is created 和 distributed to the edge,  节省了大量的电力.  In an upcoming detailed paper igolgi demonstrates that even for small user populations, 1000s of metric tons of CO2 can be reduced per year in the infrastructure; more than 70% of the CO2 is removed depending on use cases.