Video Engineering Summit

视频压缩和相关技术是在线视频产业的基石, 它们一直是流媒体的核心. 流媒体东2019视频工程峰会是为硬核视频工程师准备的, 那些真正在推动视频质量和压缩效率的极限. 这是对编码和转码的深入研究, packaging and delivery, player and UI development, and formats, protocols, and standards. 如果你想深入了解HEVC, VP9, AV1, DASH, CMAF, WebRTC, video optimization, or perceptual quality, you’ve come to the right place. 我们的专家演讲者将帮助您将您的视频提升到一个新的水平.

Registration Includes

Video Engineering Summit may be registered for separately OR is included when you register for an All Access or Streamng Media East Full 2-Day Conference Pass. 欲了解更多有关注册的信息,请 click here.

  • 视频工程峰会会议将于5月7日星期二和5月8日星期三举行
  • Keynotes
  • Discovery Track
  • 社交活动,包括周一晚上的贵宾酒会
  • 流媒体东博会包括周二网络欢乐时光

Sponsorship Opportunities

 提供赞助机会. Check back soon to learn more. 


Tuesday, May 7



VES101. 测试FFmpeg的硬件编解码器

10:30 AM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Hardware codecs in FFmpeg like those from Intel and NVIDIA deliver significant performance gains over x264/x265, 但是以质量较低而闻名,并且使用完全不同的命令集. This session benchmarks the performance and quality of these codecs and detail the FFmpeg command syntax. 与会者将学习何时以及如何在您的视频点播和实时编码工作流程中使用这些硬件编解码器.


, Founder, Streaming Learning Center


VES102. Deploying CMAF in 2019

11:45 AM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

CMAF is a format that can create one set of media files deliverable via DASH and HLS (and other ABR formats), 可能节省大量的编码费用, packaging, storage, and delivery. Decoupling manifests from the media segment formats and being able to deliver the same media segments anywhere is a huge win. 随着DRM加密需求的增加, CMAF offers the best path forward for reach and capability while reducing the formats and versions necessary to hit every platform. 与会者离开时了解了CMAF的优缺点,并获得了部署CMAF的高级路线图.


, Development Manager, RealEyes


VES103. 2019年用机器学习增强媒体

01:45 PM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

机器学习即服务(MLaaS), 人工智能的一个子集, 在过去的几年里取得了很大的进步吗. Now is the time to really make MLaaS work for you and enhance your media discoverability and insights. 这些增强包括视频可搜索性和可发现性, 自动生成文本和翻译, or even pinpointing specific faces or people within your live surveillance streams in an efficient manner. The key to harnessing this power is to learn to determine your needs and code against the numerous ML service APIs that are out there to make them work for you. Attendees walk away with an understanding of how to harness the power of AI machine learning to increase the ROI of their video libraries and build some compelling and innovative intelligence from their libraries of dark media data.


, CTO, RealEyes Media


VES104. AV1/VVC Update

02:45 PM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

The next great codec battle will be between the Alliance Open Media’s AV1 codec and MPEG’s Versatile Video Coding (VVC) technology. In this talk, Bitmovin codec engineer Christian Feldman discusses the coding tools and performance of both codecs, and the lessons that he’s learned implementing AV1 in Bitmovin’s encoding stack for cloud and on-premise deployment. 在这45分钟的技术潜水中了解这两种编解码器的优缺点.


, Codec Engineer, Bitmovin


VES105. 视频工程重点:海威视,SSIMWAVE

04:00 PM2019-05-072019-05-07

Tuesday, May 7: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Companies on the cutting edge of video engineering and development share the latest technologies that are pushing the industry forward.

Media Routing in the Cloud
4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

When news is breaking, broadcasters need fast, 将他们的内容从现场带到生产现场的点播方式, 甚至来自世界各地意想不到的地方. 通过利用SRT协议在全球微软Azure光纤网络上传递媒体, the SRTHub helps broadcasters and video service providers easily build live and file-based content routing workflows on-demand, with security and reliability.

4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

For streaming providers delivering content over multiple infrastructures to multiple makes and models of consumer devices and pay-TV set-top boxes, optimizing customer satisfaction requires advanced QoE metrics that encompass every step of the video delivery chain. These include accurate monitoring to maximize performance of large-scale video distribution networks, 以及有效的问题识别, localization and resolution. 传统的方法在视频传输链上的不同点独立运行, reporting partial, 不一致和碎片化的测量. This session will discuss how unified end-to-end quality monitoring—instantaneous and correlated measurement at every stage of delivery—is fundamental to understanding the final effect on the viewer’s quality-of-experience.


, 教授/首席科学主任, 滑铁卢大学/ SSIMWAVE公司.


Wednesday, May 8



VES201. 多种编解码器直播在Twitch

10:30 AM2019-05-082019-05-08

Wednesday, May 8: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

The Twitch video team has been working on adding multiple codec capabilities to Twitch’s video streaming platform, VP9是除H之外第一个加入的编解码器.264. As other codecs such as AV1, HEVC, VVC, 和MPEG5都显示出很好的压缩效率, we aim to be ready when the time comes to add any of these technologies and deliver better video quality at much lower bitrates. This presentation will cover the process it took Twitch engineers to change the platform from a single codec to multiple codecs. A wide range of technical topics will be covered, from codec choice to player support and validation


, Principal Video Specialist, Twitch

, Senior Video Software Engineer, Twitch

, Senior Software Engineer, Twitch


VES202. 用开源构建自定义视频体验

11:45 AM2019-05-082019-05-08

Wednesday, May 8: 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

开发一个视频播放器不是一件容易的事. Many different technologies and specifications must come together to create an accessible and cohesive experience. 当你是一个小团队时,这可能会让你感到不知所措, 特别是当玩家需要自定义功能时. 在这次演讲中,我们将通过快速获得核心视频体验并运行. Then we dive into making our player unique and adding additional functionality such as closed captions and HLS streaming. 所有使用的库都是开源的,包括React, Video.js, vtt.js, and hls.js.


, Developer, Reaktor Inc.


VES203. 访问实时指标的实时流的规模

01:45 PM2019-05-082019-05-08

Wednesday, May 8: 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

对于许多在线视频部署来说,分析的细节和范围可能是令人望而生畏的. 在本课程中,学习如何从您的网络直播中收集关键的受众参与数据. 对开放源代码和商业服务进行了探索和演示.


, Streaming Solutions Architect, videoRx


VES204. 在低延迟流媒体服务中部署WebRTC

03:15 PM2019-05-082019-05-08

Wednesday, May 8: 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

HLS和MPEG-DASH是目前基于http的流媒体直播的标准, 但是这些设计本身就很慢,并且会增加实时馈送的延迟. 亚秒级延迟对于赌博等场景至关重要, auctions, interactive communications, VR, sports, and gaming. WebRTC is touted for its sub-second latency but couldn’t scale to the volume needed by CDNs and couldn’t reach Apple devices. In this session, learn about a novel WebRTC-based solution that would match current CDNs in terms of reach (all devices), quality, cost, and scale, 同时提供低于500毫秒的延迟.


, Founder and CEO, CosMo Software Consulting and IETF, W3C, AOMEDIA

Tracks & Special Events

Business and Strategy Track

Created for CEOs, CSOs, media strategists, 和业务开发主管:这是您在流媒体东部的家. This forward-thinking track offers high-level strategic discussions where you can learn from the best where the online video economy is moving.

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Technical and How-to Track

专为想要解决方案的首席技术官、工程师和开发人员而创建. The video ecosystem is a fragmented mix of platforms and devices: Learn from the pros how you can eliminate the bottlenecks and deliver results.

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Discovery Track

Sessions in this track are educational and the presentations which typically focus on products and customer case-studies, 提供一个很好的机会来了解更多关于特定技术或供应商的信息. 开放给所有与会者和发现通行证持有人.

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Live Streaming Summit Logo

Live Streaming Summit focuses exclusively on the challenges and opportunities inherent in delivering large-scale live events and live linear channels to multiple screens. 会议将解决现场视频工作流程的每一步, including ingestion, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, and post-event evaluation.

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OTT Leadership Summit

OTT是电视的未来,而本次峰会将深入探讨广播公司、有线电视如何 & satellite operators, MVPDs, vMPVDs, 内容版权持有者可以释放OTT和TV Everywhere的价值.

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Video Engineering Summit

如果你想深入了解HEVC, VP9, AV1, DASH, CMAF, WebRTC, video optimization, or perceptual quality, you’ve come to the right place. 我们的专家演讲者将帮助您将您的视频提升到一个新的水平.

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Content Delivery Summit Logo

内容交付峰会是一个为期一天的会议,汇集了运营商, telcos, ISPs, and premium content owners for a detailed look at the technology and platforms being used to deliver and accelerate web content.

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Streaming Media University Logo

流媒体大学拥有世界一流的专家,提供内容丰富的培训. This series of workshops at Streaming Media East 2019 offers attendees the opportunity to get deep-dive training on online video and streaming technologies and provides the sound theories and practicted techniques to beome a top performer in the online video field.

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