
New Tubi Streaming Report Reveals Gen Z & Millennial Preferences for SVOD & 快


Tubi, 福克斯公司的 ad-supported streaming service, released findings from The Stream 2024: Streaming Insights for Marketers. In this year’s report, Tubi, who partnered with 哈里斯民意调查 进行研究, 提供了一个深入了解的行为和偏好,今天的主播,以帮助通知营销策略.

流媒体的 泰勒Nesler 我和图比谈过了 辛西娅Clevenger, Senior Vice President of B2B Marketing, 了解该报告的许多主要发现,以及它们揭示了面向年轻用户的SVOD和快流媒体市场的现状, along with insights for advertisers and the Media and Entertainment industry as a whole.

泰勒Nesler: 报告发现,美国人平均每月在流媒体服务和电视套餐上花费120美元(110欧元),比他们在汽油上的花费(112美元)还要多。, and over half (53%) of Gen Z and millennials believe they’re overspending on streaming, with 71% canceling due to tiered memberships that force them to pay more to access certain content. 游戏行业应该采取什么策略来减少这种高流失率,并为用户创造更令人满意的体验呢?

辛西娅Clevenger: 作为免费的, ad-supported streaming platform (快), we aren’t as concerned with churn as other SVODs who have to focus on retaining subscribers. 我们理解,由于不断攀升的成本和对内容的考虑,消费者可能会在他们的svod中循环使用——根据当前流行的标题挑选和选择要保留的内容——但Tubi的独特定位是我们所有的内容, 包括独家原件, aren’t hidden behind a paywall. 

泰勒Nesler: 该报告中一个有趣的发现是,58%的观众宁愿自己拥有一个免费账户,也不愿分享付费订阅. Was any insight gleaned into why viewers dislike sharing subscriptions? Is it a matter of personalization preferences, and is this related at all to the password-sharing crackdowns?

辛西娅Clevenger: 鉴于最近对密码共享的打击,以及越来越多的消费者在个性化的观看环境中寻找方便、负担得起的方式来访问他们喜欢的内容,这并不奇怪. Individual accounts can offer greater flexibility and control, as they do not require coordination or compromise among multiple shared users.

泰勒Nesler: The report found that Gen Z and millennials want original, diverse content from independent creators. 快平台可能从多样化或利基编程中获益最多,因为与大型和基于订阅的平台相比,这可能涉及的风险更小?

辛西娅Clevenger: Our report found that Gen Z and millennials want original, 来自独立创作者的多样化内容——但个性化对于获得观众忠诚度也非常重要. 因为它们是完全免费的,可以通过许多设备访问——从智能手机到电视——快平台提供了方便的访问范围广泛的电影和电视节目,迎合不同的兴趣. 在Tubi, 我们专注于为每个用户提供个性化的内容推荐,并展示我们知道他们会喜欢的标题——无论多么小众.  

The combination of personalization and diverse, niche programming has proved to be a winning formula at Tubi. 我们的深度图书馆超过250,各种各样的电影和电视剧集吸引了年轻而多样化的观众——我们看到18-34岁的人口和非裔美国人增长了50%以上, 亚洲, Hispanic and Multicultural audiences. We also have nearly 300 快 channels through 455 content partners, with many developed to focus on niche interests, 包括《百家乐app下载》, MrBeast, 飙车, as well as over 100 local news stations across 60 DMAs.

泰勒Nesler: 一个让我惊讶的发现是,年轻观众(96%)强烈喜欢“怀旧观看”老剧, 67%的Z世代和千禧一代会因为“风格和质量好”而转向10年以上的内容.“这对新节目创作者来说意味着什么呢?他们要跟上老节目的风格和质量。? Has the pressure to create a large amount of new content adversely impacted the quality of new shows?

辛西娅Clevenger: While our report shows that viewers are tuning into nostalgic content, it also found that Gen Z and millennial viewers want more original content over remakes and franchises — so, 创作者需要从过去汲取灵感,同时创造出新颖和原创的东西,以吸引年轻观众. 流媒体平台最终需要在拥有强大的图书馆内容目录和考虑投资展示独特视角的原创内容之间取得平衡.

在Tubi, we take pride in our data-driven approach to producing original content, 当我们根据用户在我们平台上所享受的内容创造出能够与他们产生深刻共鸣的游戏时. By leveraging consumer insights and trends, we are able to better develop meaningful content that we know our viewers will love. 

泰勒Nesler: The report found that many viewers also think of streaming as “self-care,” with 68% streaming TV or movies as an opportunity to carve out alone time. 对于那些私下流媒体观看的节目类型(比如更舒缓的电视真人秀,比如烘焙和家庭/花园秀),有没有什么发现, 等.)最适合单独播放(而不是人们喜欢在一群人中观看的节目类型(如体育或复杂的戏剧)。?

辛西娅Clevenger: As individuals take control of their downtime, 我们发现“复仇就寝时间”——或者牺牲睡眠时间去看最新的剧集——是一种很大程度上的独自观看. Tubi’s internal data found that on the whole, people on Tubi are turning to comfort viewing and comedies in the late-night hours, but a subset of viewers are also seeking out the spooky and paranormal — from alien docs, 真正的犯罪, 到惊悚小说——其中许多小说在午夜比白天更受欢迎.

In speaking with one millennial streamer, 他告诉我们,他“喜欢和妻子一起看电影和真人秀,喜欢和一群朋友一起看体育赛事. 他的哥哥住在芝加哥,他住在坦帕,所以有时他们会看同一场体育赛事,互相发照片, gif, 还有比赛中的表情包.”

All images and infographics courtesy of Tubi

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