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随着我们顺利进入FAST 2时代.0, will the strategies that brought FAST success in its early days still pay off and ensure continued growth? 现在是FAST先锋们重新创新的时候了吗? And what can the success of primetime YouTube channels teach FAST brands about evolving their strategic roadmap in a mature, 少了狂野西部式的FAST生态系统? Evan Shapiro, CEO, ESHAP,与首席商务官卡梅伦·萨莱斯讨论了这些问题, 值得信赖的媒体品牌克里斯·奈特,总裁 & CEO, Gusto全球传媒和Evan Bregman,流媒体总经理, Tastemade in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.

Shapiro mentions that 值得信赖的媒体品牌 were innovators and early movers in FAST. 他问萨利斯:“你是如何模仿先发优势的? How are you emulating that innovation cycle in your business now that you see the changing nature of the ecosystem take hold?”

Saless emphasizes that building brand equity is essential for any media business due to the abundance of choices. “We're not just taking the content that we have in these different platforms and slapping it on FAST,” he says. “我们组建了一支来自电视行业的团队. We build television shows and formats that are talent-driven with high production value. 所以你必须创造一种不同的体验, 然后你要想办法支付这些费用. 其中一部分是包装. We're doing really big deals with folks like Toyota and KitchenAid where we're helping them reach audiences in various ways, and going forward, 我们想深入研究这个问题.”

Gusto TV的克里斯·奈特说, “We're working on four different co-productions with four different platforms.”

Shapiro says, “So, just to clarify, you're making different shows for distribution partners that would air on your channels and their platforms?”

“If there's a show that resonates with a particular platform partner, we co-produce it,” Knight says. “We split the costs.” This further underscores the importance of using co-productions with different platforms to differentiate themselves and generate income.

Tastemade的Evan Bregman谈到了不断发展的“渠道”概念,” which now include branded pages with free and paywall content that can be consumed in various ways. “如果你想看到一个频道的未来,” he says, “我强烈建议每个人都花点时间看看这些 YouTube channels 都有黄金时段的频道. The NFL 显然是大的那个. 还有很多其他的,包括 Tastemade,那里有黄金时段频道. 这就是未来频道的样子. 这是一个有免费和付费内容的品牌页面. It has a short-form and mid-form content that's distributed in various different ways. It's merchandised in such a way as to lead you into a paid experience clearly, 但是你可以以任何你想要的方式消费这些内容. The key to that, 就像卡梅伦(萨莱斯)说的那样, is you are familiar with the brand and coming there to consume from that brand.”

Watch full sessions 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. 流媒体连接2024 is also currently running through February 22. Register here. 我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. More details here.

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