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Why Content Owners 和 Service Providers Should Embrace SaaS


Whether you’re looking to run a marathon, 掌握新食谱, 或者克服恐惧, 你可能被告知——或者告诉你自己——你必须走出你的舒适区. 快速地看一下 谷歌 搜索 how to step out of your comfort zone 和 you’ll be bombarded with lists 和 advice on how to do exactly that. While it’s easier said than done, it’s incredibly important in enabling growth 和 confidence within yourself.

These benefits don’t just apply to your personal life 和 accomplishments, 它们也适用于流媒体. 是的,真的.

Our industry is once again on the cusp of great change. And just as Darwin predicted in his theory of evolution, 对日益减少的百家乐软件的激烈市场竞争表明,只有能够迅速适应的灵活人才能生存.

With consumers restricting their spending due to rising costs 和 inflation, 他们将密切关注自己订阅的电视和视频服务,以决定谁能入选. So how do you make sure you can evolve 和 measure up to their dem和s?


In order to stay competitive in the M&视频服务提供商必须快速适应和改变电子行业,并最终生存下来.

一些早期采用者在M&电子行业似乎已经阅读了许多关于如何走出舒适区的文章,并且已经开始了. They are turning their backs on monolithic, tailored technology deployments 和 instead embracing multi-tenant SaaS solutions. 有趣的是, 我们发现,这些不仅仅是最初可能想到的那些诞生于云的流媒体服务——尽管它们对SaaS方法肯定更开放——还包括更多传统的付费电视提供商和电信公司.


Despite this, it can be hard to let go of what you’re used to.

更传统的M&E companies tend to be more conservative 和 are sceptical of SaaS, as the previous engagement model provides resiliency, reliability 和 control – all sought after qualities.

前面提到的先行者改变的动机是,SaaS模式帮助他们解决了许多最头疼的问题:快速启动和更新流媒体服务, 打击流媒体盗版, more efficient 和 lower carbon video delivery, 以及利用新的盈利技术和盈利模式的能力. All of this is underpinned by SaaS’ superior feature velocity, 易于集成, 随需应变的可伸缩性, 和 a simplified OPEX budgeting model. The beauty of SaaS is really the pace of innovation it enables.

推动SaaS的一个特殊因素是广告需求的增长,我们已经看到了这一点 网飞公司迪斯尼的 recent introduction of commercials to its service in select regions. While the focus was once on subscriber acquisition 和 market share, 广播公司和视频服务提供商现在要求灵活地创建新的AVOD和FAST服务,以帮助抵消内容成本, as viewers are looking to cut back on spending.

直到现在, service providers have had few alternatives to customized, complex deployments involving heavy SDKs 和 slow waterfall testing. 为了支持单一功能或新设备的发布,验收测试可能需要几个月的时间, 在当今快速发展的商业和技术环境中,哪一种是不可持续的.

与SaaS, video service providers can start small, move fast 和 experiment – for example, launching a streaming service in a new market – confident in the software’s efficiency, agility 和 scale.

有了一套模块化的解决方案,公司就不必把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里. 他们可以从小事做起, only paying for what they need, then easily add more packs or services as their needs evolve. 采用SaaS模型使内容所有者和服务提供者能够持续访问改进和功能.

And SaaS isn’t just for the big monolithic players. 它的影响是破坏性的,因为进入这些新水平的实验和创造力的门槛已经降低,它的模块化性质为小型和非传统企业提供了机会. We just have to get the slower movers on board too.


Feature velocity is the most noticeable change. 与SaaS, 几乎每天都会添加新功能,而采用瀑布式验收的托管云环境通常每半年甚至每年更新一次.

Consumers’ attention spans are decreasing, so the ability to deliver new content 和特性, new UI, new insights 和 more is crucial – 和 this ability is enhanced by SaaS.

在一个瞬息万变的世界, SaaS提供的速度和敏捷性改变了我们的游戏规则,更重要的是对我们的客户来说——快速适应会带来快速的结果. It has impacted every department in our company including the way we sell, 支持, 与客户签订合同. 使用SaaS模型,视频平台部署不再需要针对每个客户进行个性化, any customization only needs to happen at the edges.

As a result, our product delivery has significantly increased over the past year. 另外, 我们已经发展了我们的开发方法,考虑到完整的客户体验, 由于我们不再为美好的未来而构建,因此会产生更一致的新功能版本. Instead, everything is delivered with built-in market validation.


M&电子行业采用SaaS的时间相对较晚,主要原因之一是它需要进行重大变革——不仅在供应商社区,而且在用户社区.  简单地说, 视频服务提供商如果不改变其运营模式以适应高速和多租户的方法,就无法理解SaaS的好处, most notably acceptance testing. And as we’ve established, change can be intimidating.

然而,随着时间的推移,那些不改变的公司将不可避免地被更敏捷的竞争对手超越. Companies that don’t adapt won’t be able to deliver new content, 新的用户体验, user interfaces or new insights as quickly as its competitors. 与此同时, 那些采用SaaS的公司将为他们的客户提供更好的服务,并将从更低的拥有成本中受益, ultimately positioning themselves for longer term growth. Customers don’t bear the burden of operating the solution, freeing up IT people who would normally manage the service. 这一责任落在SaaS提供商身上,让客户自由和安心.

重要的是, 从用户体验和特性功能的角度来看,产品并不会变得更好, 将软件分成小块发布,这样可以很容易地进行验证,并在必要时撤销,从而极大地提高了质量.  最后, 精心设计的基于云的api支持新的开放级别,用户可以选择集成点解决方案或从他们首选的软件供应商处购买解决方案套件.  Synamedia在自己的解决方案中强烈采用了这种开放性.

Whether it’s meeting new people, 学习缝纫, 或者采用SaaS模型, 改变是可怕的, but as Thomas Fuller cleverly said, “all things are difficult before they get easy.“SaaS已经改变了我们的文化观念,因为我们已经亲眼目睹了改变游戏规则的影响.  在这个内容的黄金时代, where consumers want to change what 和 how they watch in the blink of an eye, 是时候走出你的舒适区了,确保你改变得足够快,能够胜任这份工作.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Synamedia. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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