  • 2021年3月31日
  • By 罗伯·甘比诺 Senior Director of Solutions, Advertising and Content Personalization, 谐波
  • 博客

The Keys to Launching Premium Quality, Profitable VOD Services in 2021


全球视频点播使用量巨大. 根据最近的一项研究 2020年主题报告 from the Motion Picture Association (MPA), 2020年,在线视频服务的订阅量首次超过10亿,达到1亿.1 billion globally – and this number is set to continue rising. 除了, 到2031年,全球视频点播服务市场的估值预计将达到1830亿美元左右.

鉴于视频点播(VOD)的爆炸式增长轨迹和如今竞争激烈的格局,它的价值远不止于此  important than ever for content owners, 服务提供商, 运营商和广播公司了解推出盈利的视频点播服务所需的关键要素. 基于云的视频流平台比本地硬件提供了显著的优势, the depths of which will be explored in this article.

Scale On-Demand Content in Seconds

在安装本地视频交付解决方案时,最乏味的任务之一是预测. 对于服务提供商来说,预测两年后他们的用户规模可能是一项挑战, 三年甚至五年. Service providers need to determine how much storage, 交通, and compute they will need now and in the future. With on-premises video delivery solutions, 服务提供商 typically end up in one of two scenarios. They either overspend money on hardware to avoid performing an upgrade every year, or they under-build their infrastructure, which may leave them without capacity if their audience grows faster than anticipated.

When VOD 服务提供商 run video streaming platforms in the cloud, they can automatically scale to meet whatever demand is generated. 基于云的视频流服务可以在几分钟内扩展到支持数百万观众. There’s no longer any need for complex forecasting. 原始服务器在黄金时段扩大规模,在观众睡觉时缩小规模. 

云软件即服务(SaaS)平台基于按增长付费的商业模式, ensuring that 服务提供商 only pay for what they use. 它们是经济的,因为它们为服务提供商提供无限的容量,而不需要在不使用时花费任何费用.

Optimize File Storage and Reduce Video Buffering

基于云的流媒体平台简化VOD传输的另一种方式是改进基于文件的存储和减少视频缓冲. The demand for SVOD streaming services has been skyrocketing over the last year. 使用云平台, 服务提供商可以利用诸如内容感知编码(CAE)之类的先进技术。, which reduces overall CDN and storage costs by up to 50% without impacting quality. 

CAE leverages artificial intelligence to save bits where the human eye can’t see, 这直接转化为观众的缓冲时间更少,因为他们正在下载的视频片段更小. Since CAE is a software and cloud-native solution, 服务提供商可以放心,他们总是在运行最新的版本. 随着算法的优化, 服务提供商可以进一步提高文件存储效率和流媒体质量.

Grow Revenues with Targeted Advertising and FAST

Service providers can leverage the cloud for more than just VOD delivery. 越来越多的视频点播服务提供商正在使用云来提供有针对性的广告, launch linear services and create popup channels for live events. 

Ad-supported streaming services, 特别是, is an area where 服务提供商 can substantially increase their revenues. 2020年,AVOD收入为10美元.69 billion, and it is expected to reach nearly $3 billion in 20201, according to 数码电视研究. 这个数字将上升到32美元.到2026年达到610亿美元. 

基于云的动态广告插入(DAI)解决方案具有明显的操作能力,服务提供商可以实时向家庭甚至个人用户提供有针对性的广告. Since ads are delivered from the server side, there is no ad blocking. DAI solutions with manifest manipulation support more than just VOD services. 视频广告元素可以无缝插入到直播、线性节目和VOD内容中.

由于服务提供商正在利用云,他们可以无限扩展他们的AVOD服务. Even if there are millions of subscribers watching the same content, each person can be individually targeted with an ad that is specific to them, which ultimately translates to increased ad revenues for 服务提供商. 

免费广告支持流媒体电视(FAST)是另一个机会,它将现有的高价值VOD或AVOD内容转化为24/7优质线性频道,观众可以免费观看,并通过DAI获利. There is a huge market for FAST channels and explosive growth. 今天, 在七个平台上有530多个FAST频道,拥有超过3500万独立用户.

Creating a FAST service is relatively simple with a cloud-based streaming platform. 服务提供商可以利用云中的视频交付软件,从现有的内容库中创建这些频道. Since cloud streaming platforms are opex-based, there is minimal to zero upfront capital investment involved to launch a FAST channel.


最近, 一家西欧一级电信运营商简化了从传统IPTV传输到视频流传输的过渡. 运营商面临的主要挑战之一是决定是使用本地还是基于云的流媒体平台. After conducting a thorough examination of both deployment models, 这家运营商认为,云计算将大大简化其视频点播流媒体服务的推出.

运营商总共有大约100万个基于文件的视频资产,需要1pb的存储空间  more than 1 million subscribers. The operator simulated what its TCO would be for different scenarios, including cloud and on-premises video streaming. 从财务角度来看, 转向云计算为运营商提供了一个可以立即增长的平台,从而最大限度地降低了风险, with real-time scaling based on usage patterns. If the operator were to experience a peak in viewing, 拥有一个基于云的流媒体平台将使其免于匆忙进行内部升级. 


视频点播的格局正在演变. Leveraging cloud-based video streaming platforms, 服务提供商 can deliver on-demand content at scale. 原生云平台, 特别是, 有助于优化文件存储和减少视频缓冲,以确保高质量的流媒体体验. 借助基于云的流媒体平台,服务提供商可以支持有针对性的广告和快速渠道,以促进业务增长.

[Editor's Note: This is a contributed article from 谐波. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

All Eyes on VOD Content Migration

The current level of VOD fragmentation is unsustainable in the medium to long term. 订阅市场规模的增长与新进入市场的应用数量不成比例, 因此,内容提供商将发现自己在争夺更小的一块蛋糕的同时,要花更多的钱来获取新客户.

Judging Apple's Advanced 视频质量 Tool

作为一个度规, Apple's Advanced 视频质量 Tool (AVQT) showed some bright spots, 但如果没有更多的验证,很难看到它从现实世界的工作流中碰撞VMAF或SSIMPLUS.

Reimagining Video Delivery with the Cloud

Among all the other changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the industry, it has accelerated broadcasters' move to the cloud. That shift is only going to continue.

Why Streaming and VOD Providers are Moving to the Cloud

Help Me Stream的蒂姆·西格林(Tim Siglin)和谐波的罗布·甘比诺(罗伯·甘比诺)在流媒体连接2021年的这段视频中讨论了最近收集的有关流媒体行业向云基础设施迁移的数据.

Cloud Native Production: The Next Level of Carbon Reduction

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