


在短短几个月内, the majority of Americans will be sitting down for one of the biggest events of the year – the Super Bowl. 的 big game is more than just an iconic time for sports fans, 啤酒, 还有鸡翅, it’s also one of the biggest and most talked about days of the year for advertising. From Oreo’s dunk in the dark to the Etrade baby to Ben Affleck staffing a Dunkin drive-thru or Alicia Silverstone reprising her famous Clueless role, 超级碗活动不仅仅是广告. When done well they have the power to turn a brand into a cultural icon that is talked about well after the 30 second spot (and the game) ends. With all this fanfare, it’s no surprise that 超级碗广告 also come with a massive price tag. 的 2023年,30秒广告时段的平均成本为700万美元, 这还不包括创意团队的成本, 制作公司, 一流的人才, 和更多的. 在当前的经济环境下,每一块钱都很重要, so it’s more important than ever to ensure that if you’re investing in a Super Bowl ad, you’re also setting your brand up for a touchdown long after the game ends. 以下是最大化超级碗广告投资回报率的方法. 

投资OLV & CTV赛后

的 Super Bowl is the perfect launch moment – the majority of Americans are tuned in and ready to watch, 谈论, 分享你的活动. 但是比赛结束后会发生什么呢? 为了使品牌信息最有效,他们 需要多次接触消费者,最好是跨多个渠道. This is where online video (OLV) and connected TV (CTV) come in. 消费者观看的视频content比以往任何时候都多 他们乐于接受品牌信息 访问他们想看的content. 通过赛后实施跨渠道战略, 你可以保证你的品牌在电视上的存在感, 电话, 平板电脑, 以及目标受众的电脑屏幕. 无论消费者身在何处,这种方法都能触及他们, 扩大品牌知名度, 回忆, 以及煽动行为.

Leverage Contextual Tools to Insert Your Brand into Cultural Conversations

Today’s contextual tools are for more than targeting broad keywords related to your brand. 的re are new advanced offerings that leverage technologies like AI and machine learning to pull deeper insights from audio and video content, turning them into nuanced categories for more strategic targeting. 在比赛结束后的几天和几周内, 关于这些团队的content并不缺乏, 球员, and ads – so make sure your ad is running on all of those 文章 by targeting Super Bowl-related keywords. If you’ve invested in a big name talent like Kim Kardashian for your spot, you can target content where Kim or anyone else in the Kardashian family is mentioned, 见过或谈论过. You can also use contextual for conquesting – ensuring that your brand message appears next to content about competitors to show how you beat out the competition. 

考虑削减社会开支 & 额外的通道特定格式

No one enjoys watching a video on their TV that clearly was meant for a smaller mobile screen, or tuning in to a social video that was shot horizontally but has been zoomed in so far for a vertical screen that it’s difficult to get the full story. To make the most of a massive Super Bowl campaign, prioritize the viewer experience on all screens. Try creating versions of your ad in various aspect ratios and formats specific to each channel. 毕竟, consumers are more likely to watch ads that they perceive to be high quality, and it’s easier to engage them right away if they can see the action up close and immediately recognize the brand.


根据conatix的研究, 许多消费者直接访问品牌网站观看视频 content, making owned channels another key piece of the media mix and creating opportunities to engage your core audience with exclusive post-game content. 捕捉有趣的幕后片段, 制作一个花絮卷轴, or produce an interview with the talent in your ad alongside a brand spokesperson. 给消费者独一无二的访问权限, exclusive content on your website and social channels still directly related to the brand messages from your Super Bowl campaign is another great way to build brand affinity and engage your audience long after the game. 

Participating in the biggest sports and advertising moment of the year might not be cheap, but with a clear strategy for audience engagement post-game it is possible to see massive returns. 

[编者注:这是来自 Connatix. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

啤酒,赌博,流媒体,我的天! 超级碗广告分析

超级碗广告, 虽然样本相对较小, are a decent indicator of trends in overall advertising demand. 来自AdImpact的John Link回顾了过去三年, and the trends are clear: a few categories like Crypto and Covid-related PSAs are waning, largely being replaced by new categories like Sports Betting and Streaming, and there is more competition in established categories like QSR and Beer.

Live Sports Are Headed to Streaming Services, and Audiences Are Ready

As audiences continue to increase their streaming consumption, sports are ready to join the ranks of hit programs like Stranger Things, 只有大楼里的谋杀, 还有欧比旺·克诺比. And with new streaming-exclusive deals involving the NFL and MLS in play, 粉丝们准备好了, 超过三分之一的美国.S. homes now access TV programming strictly through an internet connection.

Super Bowl Ads: Eccentricity and Local Advertising Can Make Spots Stand Out

的 cost and sheer number of ad spots during the Super Bowl can make it difficult for brands to stand out in the crowd. Here's a look at what's worked, from Oreo cookies to Betty White.