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今天的媒体公司正面临着前所未有的复杂性. 随着跨平台和内容类型的分销渠道的扩散, buyers have more options than ever before on where they want to be and how they want to reach their audiences. Sellers are tasked with finding ways to scale the distribution of more content and how they can reach more eyeballs. 扩展广告收入管理需要跨线性的专业知识, 数字 and streaming channels with any number of different partners and technologies.

The technologies and processes that support revenue management are not built to handle the dramatic increase in data, volume and detail that goes into every step of the process from proposal to IO to operations to reporting. Sales and operations teams in particular find themselves overwhelmed with manual work to assemble 信息 from disparate systems and align their business to serve advertiser needs.

幸运的是, 新技术正在出现,以解决收入管理的复杂性, 通过统一系统, 简化和自动化工作流,并提供更快的ROI.


媒体公司正面临着新一轮的创新和增长浪潮. 经过近二十年的数字化转型, 是什么导致了数字显示和视频广告的出现, 程序化媒体购买, 以及受众定位, media companies are now grappling with the proliferation of streaming services within connected TV (CTV.CTV预计将增长到 $26b in ad revenue by 2026, representing a new layer of complexity to media company ad sales.

Media companies that previously existed with two systems - one for linear and one for 数字 - are now facing the difficult reality that they need to unify their systems around a single process to sell across channels. 对于那些集成了技术的公司来说也是如此, many realize that they have a brittle tech stack that is held together by the hard work of sales and operations teams that manually input 信息 between systems that were never truly designed for so much scale and complexity. Additional complexity is also coming from the introduction of new measurement services that specialize in CTV. 没有一个共同的“货币”,买家想如何购买媒体类型, 卖方被迫支持买方想要购买和考虑购买的所有方式. 这包括他们习惯的方式, as well as having to adapt quickly to the new currencies and new ways buyers are choosing to buy audiences/impressions vs. 点/单位.


Media companies cannot wave a magic wand and automatically replace their technology with something new. 即使他们可以, 这是行不通的, 因为许多伙伴关系和流程仍然依赖于现有的系统. 例如,线性系统不仅仅做交通广告,共享编程信息. Digital systems are integrated with programmatic technologies, billing systems 和更多的.

 而不是, 媒体公司需要什么?, 以及什么最有效, is a centralized system that can solve the issues they are facing while integrating with the technology they already have in place. 解决方案需要:

  • Unify product catalogs: Sales in particular needs access to a “single source of the truth” which aggregates product 信息 across linear, 数字, 中央电视台和任何其他频道. 销售人员可以更快更准确地创建提案, 以最优惠的价格提供最优惠的服务, 并且比竞争对手行动更快.
  • Flexible Sales Methods: Ability to manage multiple sales channels and deal types including direct-sold, 编程(打开, PG), 自助, 和更多的.
  • Deliver agility: Not only do sales need to respond to advertisers quickly in the proposal stage, 在整个活动周期中,销售和运营都需要保持敏捷. 系统应该使更改变得容易, 优化性能并轻松地进行更改,例如创造性的交换.
  • 按需扩大规模:出版商正面临“数据泛滥”.“每个新频道, 他们需要获取数百万甚至数十亿的关于每个印象的数据点, 投标价格, 和更多的. 随着CTV的发展和出版商向新方向拓展业务, they need a system that can scale and manage massive amounts of data without slowing down.
  • Offer real time reporting: Gone are the days of a single aggregated report at the end of a campaign. Both advertisers and publishers need access to on-demand reporting throughout the life of a campaign. Real-time reports provide insights needed to optimize delivery, course correct and bill accurately.
  • 跨系统集成——出版商拥有庞大的技术合作伙伴生态系统, and 信息 needs to pass seamlessly across their tech stack to deliver effectively.


技术正在以有利于媒体公司的方式发展. 而他们目前的系统是为了管理更简单的渠道和更少的数据而建立的, 新的解决方案是高度可伸缩和敏捷的, 为驱动现代媒体的复杂性和信息量而构建.

One major innovation is bringing the most critical sales and planning workflows into cloud-based technology that can integrate with other systems. This gives media companies the ability to infuse their current tech stack with flexibility and access without having to rip out and replace. 基于云的订单管理, 例如, empowers sales teams with a unified product catalog and helps operations teams with seamless trafficking. These cloud-based systems can ingest and process enormous amounts of 信息 and interface with legacy technologies, 作为核心收入驱动者.

媒体公司需要注意的另一项新技术是模块化设计. 而不是集成一个单一的平台, media companies can ease into a new technology platform by picking and choosing the capabilities they need. For example, starting with CTV and streaming first, and then evolving to include 数字 and linear. They can also leverage product catalogs and unified rate cards for front-end sales support first and move into order management support when they are ready. Modular design allows media companies to start benefiting from systems sooner and reduce the risk of downtime and transition.

Now is the right time for media companies to learn more about these innovations by reaching out to partners and researching new offerings on the market. 随着市场的发展,广告只会变得越来越复杂, and having a system built to manage that complexity and grow over time is critical for future success.

[编者注:这是来自 手术. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


OTT providers are quickly catching on to the benefits of user recommendation services being integrated into their platforms. 然而,集成的两种主要选择都有缺点. 现成的解决方案可能会带来昂贵的成本, 但更便宜的定制部署需要合适的内部专业知识. What's needed is a meet-in-the-middle solution that saves on expenditure and is intuitive to use, while crucially providing recommendation services that impress viewers and ultimately helps to retain them.


What are some of the best ways to craft a stand-out streaming destination in today's overcrowded market? Endeavor Streaming的Megan Wagoner概述了增强交互性的方法, 内容发现, 以及如何在内容生产和平台技术之间实现平衡.


Stefan Lederer of Bitmovin discusses how new media can seize the day amidst the entertainment streaming reshuffle