
NAB 2023: Atomos Talks NDI and 将军连接

Atomos dropped 5 announcements in the weeks preceding NAB 2023: 索尼CI云集成,发布新的 基于云计算的编辑器, a 处理Streamonix for a new streaming pilot project, the debut of Atomos Cloud Studio, and--perhaps most importantly--NDI support in its CONNECT monitor-recorders,包括流行的 将军连接. 流媒体 Contributing Editor 肖恩林 of SLV生活 在Atomos展台上,我们采访了Atomos高级副总裁产品Paul Scurrell,了解了Atomos的最新动态以及新的发展对百家乐软件app最新版下载的意义.


"Let's start by talking about NDI," Shawn says. "That's one of the technologies that you are embracing, 你有一个新产品,它可以与你现有的一些产品和一些新产品一起使用. 我们来研究一下." 

"That's a really exciting innovation for us," Scurrell says. "We've got a whole bunch of new connected products and here, we're talking about the Shogun CONNECT, 哪一款是完全集成的7英寸监控记录仪,带有连接功能. 我们有忍者5和忍者5+背面有Atomos CONNECT模块. 这两款产品都可以连接到Atomos Cloud Studio,以获得一系列不同的服务, which we can talk about separately. But also because they have the network connectivity, they can also go into NDI mode, so they can be an NDI transmit source with NDI|HX two. So it's fantastic that you can effectively record, and have a source coming in that you can record locally, and then you can have that as an NDI TX源 into any NDI-compatible device."

Atomos Shogun CONNECT

“因此,我们基本上是采用标准铜,如HD-SDI和HDMI源,就像我们传统上在这些产品中所做的那样,Lam回答道, "but now we can output them across the network, 通过抗利尿, 到其他工作流中. And there's so many of them out there, 正确的?"

"There's so many," Scurrell agrees. “我们在这方面非常独特,因为我们是一个非常有成就的公司, standalone monitor-recorder that people are using anyway. 而且我们是移动的——很多时候它可以在移动设备上使用电池供电. We have best-of-breed Ethernet and best-of-breed Wi-Fi with Wi-Fi 6. 因此,我们第一次可以成为一个真正的移动NDI I设备,可以连接任何HDMI和SDI源. 它真的很强大."

"And this is an NDI transmitter, but not a recorder at this point?林问道。.

"Not at this point as, as a recorder. But that is coming down the path. 但是第一个, 我们想要NDI I传输,因为这样我们就可以成为许多不同设备的视频源——现在是数十万台设备."

"And so adding in that NDI I capability,林问道。, "is just simply a matter of adding in an add-on module at the back, 正确的? Just kind of a dummy battery adapter type of thing--is that how it works?"

"It's even more simple than that," Scurrell explains. "The Shogun CONNECT already has all the connectivity built in, so this is actually a firmware software upgrade. It's $99, but the product is already connected. And of course, same with the Ninja. 如果你的忍者背面有我们性价比高的CONNECT模块, it then becomes connected and no other hardware is needed. 你只需要一次性支付激活费用就可以了."


As mentioned, Atomos has also been expanding its cloud offerings. Lam说:“我们已经讨论了以太网连接和铜线连接. “让我们进入云端吧. What's the CONNECT part of this? What other capabilities do you have? 你的云是什么??"

“我们最初于一年前在NAB(2022)推出了云和我们的连接产品。,斯库雷尔回忆道. “今年它们出现得非常多,我们正在推出一大堆新服务. So just to give you a complete overview, we have what's called Atomos Cloud Studio这几乎是我们的云服务的总称,我们的连接产品可以与之对话. We have a product called the Zato连接. We have the Shogun and Ninja. Those three products can connect to Atomos Cloud Studio. Then you can then decide what you want tp do with it. 一旦你将它配对,你就在Atomos Cloud Studio中与这些设备配对, you could then stream straight to a social channel. You could stream to YouTube or Twitch straight from the device. You could decide to be in part of a camera-to-cloud workflow."

Atomos去年与Adobe合作推出的另一个产品是固件更新,可以使CONNECT设备启用 Frame.io Camera to Cloud workflows. This created a direct pipeline for DSLR, 数字影院, and mirrorless cameras to deliver captured media directly to post.

"That's been super successful," Scurrell says. “它在过去几个月里一直在推出,有很多很多不同的用例. 人们使用相同的设备,但在不同的用例中,相机到云. And we've just announced a partnership with Sony CI Media Cloud, 这再次提供了将内容直接从相机直接传输到云端的相同方式, and people can then use that in whichever platform they want. The demo we've got here is for live production. 所以现在我们只是使用Atomos Cloud Studio网关作为实时生产的一种方式."

What this means for connected cameras, Scurrell继续, is that they can be "a live camera input with fully featured talkback, 对讲机, 理货, 视频——你对广播的所有期望都内置在你购买的同一块硬件上, the same Atomos piece of connected hardware. 所以你现在可以看到这一切是如何开始发展并变得难以置信的强大."


Gesturing to the other side of the Atomos booth, Scurrell接着说,云连接的工作流程现在直接扩展到后期和基于云的编辑.

“我们已经扩展了从相机到云到现场制作的流媒体服务. 使用云编辑, 我们现在可以使用连接的设备直接通过Atomos Cloud Studio进入Atomos Edit, 我们新的基于云的, 基于Web浏览器的编辑系统,您可以将内容直接带入时间轴,并可以编辑该内容. 你可以剪辑这些内容, you can do some really nice editing on it, and you can publish direct to social, like to YouTube or Vimeo directly from that, or even export it to another NLE of your choice, whether it could be Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, 无论.

"So we've now got this huge rounded offering, 所有这些你最终可以做的事情都回到NDI,以及一个完全独立的方式使用我们的连接产品."

"That's excellent,Lam回答道. “我不得不说, 多年来, 看着你们开发的技术和解决方案能与他人很好地合作,真是太棒了. You're not just developing things in your own ecosystem. Every time there's a new press release, 新产品, it's always works with these other popular vendors, these other products that you're using, 我很感激." 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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