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视频压缩行业已经准备好重新塑造自己,建立新的标准制定机构 Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) is the mechanism to drive it, according to Thierry Fautier, 超高清论坛主席,在编解码器发展的风云变幻中具有影响力的声音.

Speaking on an IABM-hosted Future Trends webinar about Imaging & Immersive, Fautier(同时也是Harmonic视频战略副总裁)与MPAI创始人Leonardo Chiariglione一起参加了会议, who launched the MPEG standards committee for ISO/IEC in 1988 and resigned two months ago.

“我们行业面临的问题是许可证池的碎片化,”Fautier强调.  "This is blocking the evolution of technology."

Fautier elaborated on the current impasse at MPEG. 媒体编码行业正试图摆脱“让人抓狂”的状态," he said, 关于如何实现编解码器,如HEVC和潜在的商业VVC.

与此同时,竞争对手AOM“只选择免专利的工具”. (这意味着)在一个对Netflix这样的大公司非常友好的过程中,最终没有人赚钱, Amazon, Apple and Google."

The third approach is that of MPAI. 这个非营利组织计划开发新的数据编码技术规范, 通过《百家乐软件app最新版下载》,利用人工智能弥合技术规格与实际应用之间的差距, such as Framework Licences.

"Here is an opportunity for people to make money," Fautier said. "There will be more buy-in from license sources and licensees. You need to be upfront with those who use the technology. I believe MPAI's approach is the right one. 这是一个非常激动人心的时刻,视频行业准备重塑自我."

然而,福捷坚持认为,该行业准备为使用技术支付一定的费用,前提是他们为支付的金额提供保险, Chiariglione said MPAI was open-minded to open source.

"In my long MPEG days, 我努力说服相当多的成员,让他们相信MPEG不应该只是一种商业模式. We shouldn't be religious about it."

Immersive Imaging Rising

The IABM's CTO Stan Moote shared research from its latest industry report identifying COVID-related technologies including virtualization, 云计算和远程制作是媒体行业列表中最重要的技术推动者. Imaging and immersive applications like 8K HDR, VR, 和MR稍微落后一些,但在人们的议程上仍然很重要.

Moot说:“没有实用的压缩技术,沉浸式应用是毫无意义的。. “从技术和商业的角度来看,视频压缩的关键在于什么是有意义的."

Fragmentation is only getting more pronounced. 本周,AVS2背后的中国联盟即将发布针对8K内容的AVS3.

福捷称AVS3是一种替代方案,以防人们对“西方”技术不满意, "though we don't know if it will be a success outside China."

Meanwhile, HEVC专利持有者InterDigital宣布,它已经开发出一种软件,可以简化和加速基于人工智能的视频压缩研究. CompressAI允许研究人员快速设计、训练、测试和评估基于人工智能的编解码器. It said the open source platform (publicly available on Github) 是否已经被用于支持下一代图像和视频编解码器的开发.


"While 5.1 was the standard we're seeing that expand," said Greg Chin of Avid on the IABM panel. "There's no request for stereo-only mixes. There is a large and primary immersive component to shows now."

The lion's share on the audio side is taken by Dolby Atmos, 但Chin表示,人们对沉浸式声音的每个领域都感兴趣, including binaural and ambisonic techniques.

Raul Aldrey, chief business officer of MediaKind, 他表示,到2020年,实现沉浸式应用程序的机会将不断增加, 尽管今年上半年出现了强制下滑, these plans haven't gone away.


A current example is cycling's premier event Tour de France. In cooperation with cycling app Zwift 车迷们可以在家里骑着自己的自行车参加比赛,与专业车手展开正面交锋.

“在没有球迷在体育场观看比赛的情况下,现场比赛迫切需要为在家观看的球迷提供一种体验," Aldrey said, 预测将会有越来越多的沉浸式体验跨越到粉丝参与中.

博彩也有可能融入体育直播体验的主流, 由于实时互动和越来越多的州和国家在电视上进行体育博彩是合法的.

Peter Kirkup, AR/MR解决方案开发商集团技术解决方案经理 disguise, 他说,大流行表明,观众渴望在现场环境中体验沉浸感.

“我认为我们将进入的新常态将受益于所有这些创新的成果," he said. “在新常态之上,将会有新的能力和新技术,这将使我们能够创造出新的、更神奇的东西. 我们已经看到了扩展现实的用例,观众在家里观看一个事件的直播流. 甚至在这之后,这一趋势还会加速,部分原因是现在观众的期望值要高得多."

奥尔德雷还预测,推迟举办的东京奥运会将推动8K的发展. "There aren't many devices [capable of receiving 8K] in the market, 但奥运会将被用来推动8K和其他沉浸式体验成为主流. 我想说,从明年开始,我们将看到一系列这样的经历和事件."

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