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MWC24: 5G滞后,6G和量子等待


尽管电信运营商对他们的经历伤痕累累 推出并为5G付费, attention is turning to its successor 6G, which will begin to be adopted from 2030.

一些运营商对此持怀疑态度. Sessions at 世界移动通信大会 were devoted to whether 5G has done enough to ensure investment in future generations of cellular tech. “现在谈论6G还为时过早,因为我们仍在努力开发5G,保罗·穆里说, 意大利电信公司TIM业务发展副总裁. “但我们从5G中吸取了教训,我们还在继续学习.”

尽管5G和相关投资回报率的采用缓慢, some of the world’s largest telecommunications executives say 6G will likely launch in 2030.

“We believe there will be gradual introduction of 6G from 2030 onwards but mass market will be some time beyond that,玛丽·霍根说, 6G业务区域网络负责人, Ericsson. “我们必须设法消除一些复杂性. At the start of 5G we introduced many architecture options but perhaps we should start 6G with a clean architecture. 例如,我们可能会推出6G单机版.”

这意味着不使用任何5G基础设施, but operators will want to maximize their hefty investment in 5G equipment so some form of transition or operation in parallel seems inevitable.

From a network perspective, Ericsson view the move to 6G as an evolution rather than a big bang. “5G is only half way through its cycle, with still another 6-7 years to go,” Hogan said. “我们需要利用这一点,首先专注于将5G货币化. In 5G we went for some very extreme use cases, but with 6G we could be more focused.”

The chastening experience of 5G has made experts more reticent to shout about potential use cases for 6G.

“The speed of innovation in computing is so fast we have to be humble enough to admit we can’t predict what will come,亨利·提里说, CTO, 诺基亚技术, though he suggested autonomous driving would be possible with the ultra, 超低往返信号从汽车到云和返回.

穆里强调,无论发生什么,6G都必须以客户为中心. “We need to be sure that any use case we have in mind is not doable on 5G. Many times we told the world that there are applications you can only do on 5G but it turns out 4G is good enough.”

Hogan said the ability of 6G to scale applications will be its biggest impact. “AR and VR 今天是非常局限和室内的吗. 如果我们有更多的数据, 更有效地利用网络卸载, 然后我们会有大众市场的沉浸式交流. Digital twins use a lot of data quite localized today with 5G but 6G will enable you to scale to a digital twin of a city or a massive digital twin of an entire network in realtime,她接着说. "With 6G we will have the opportunity to make our current mobile broadband much more efficient in terms of energy performance, and if you can do that in remote regions where a terrestrial network doesn’t reach you could make a basic level of affordable broadband accessible to anyone anywhere, anytime. 这是我们希望前进的核心方向.”

The technology itself will need new spectrum frequencies and will incorporate AI and Quantum computing both of which will power the scaling of applications running over 6G networks.

“We envisage a highly distributed computer structure hosting a whole network end to end and running in the cloud,胡安·卡洛斯·加西亚·洛佩兹说, 高级技术, Telefonica. “Moving to entirely cloud native software defined solutions means extending cloud to the edge. 6G需要解决这个问题.”

IBM is at MWC showcasing its claim to have established the largest ecosystem of more than 550,000 "量子探测器, adopters, 用户将量子计算带给世界.” It was also touting its breakthrough in 2023 with a 127-qubit processor that is a step to allowing quantum computers to reach “utility scale” as a scientific tool to explore new classes of problems in physics and materials.

加西亚·洛佩兹还指出,安全是一个关键问题. “With 6G a new threat is possible when Quantum compute becomes available. 我们需要准备好改变密码." 他补充说,通过该网络运行的服务将增加100个,“000次”,因此网络流量将不那么确定.”

Sustainability is being written into the design of 6G but it’s been a struggle to get stakeholders to agree, Marja Matinmikko-Blue报道, Director of Sustainability and Regulation of 6G Flagship at Finland’s University of Oulu. “人们一致认为,可持续性很重要 全球6G框架 published by the ITU in December had sustainability as one of its criteria but there has been a lot of resistance.”

She noted that energy efficiency was also part of the 5G standard “but there was no agreement for targets. 我们需要包括6G的目标. It is everybody’s responsibility and requires a whole mindset change that considers sustainability in the context of spectrum management, social goals, and economics.”

Murri placed the onus on better educating consumers about the impact of data-draining applications like streaming video. “There’s been a lot of work on the supply side in terms of making data centres and radio access more to efficient but little effort on the demand side--on the behaviours of customers,” he said. “无论是企业还是消费者,它们都是‘吃到饱’的模式. 在意大利,消费者可以以不到10欧元的价格购买无限gb的数据. 这导致人们认为他们所做的一切都是免费的. 但这是有成本的,主要是能源消耗.”

He added, “Given that a key for 6G is sustainability we need to think about awareness. My kids leave the TV on streaming 4K and don’t perceive they are consuming energy.”

Telefonica’s Garcia Lopez charged app developers with doing more to make their app network-friendly. “我们都必须减少总能耗. The 6G architecture needs to build sustainability into its core and not waste resources.”

For example, said Hogan, “We could be better at energy efficiency by switching off parts of the network when not in use.”



XR technology is forecast to rocket from a market value of $55 billion in 2023 to $490 billion by 2030, 它既承载着希望,也承载着谜题. 虽然企业对企业使用XR已经站稳脚跟, 消费者应用程序未能摆脱炒作的影响.