
ARwall and 韦伯斯特大学 Bridge the Gap Between Education and Virtual Production Technologies With New Virtual Production Facility


韦伯斯特大学 has become the first university in the Midwest to have a state-of-the-art virtual production facility thanks to a unique partnership with ARwall, a Metaverse 100 XR技术公司. ARwall还与领先的LED制造商合作 艾比森,这使他们能够提供 韦伯斯特大学传播学院 以最优价格提供优质工具.


韦伯斯特大学对学生项目采取直接和实践的方法, 它在美国电影和摄影学院排名前50位.S. by 利基市场.com. 认识到目前制作行业的人才危机, Eric Rothenbuhler, 传媒学院院长, 说, “虚拟生产现在是整个生产环境的一个组成部分, so future professionals should learn these techniques in the same ways as they learn about photography, 照明, 编辑, 以及其他的电影制作过程. 这个行业一直在发展, 我们希望确保我们的学生能够接触到最前沿的知识, 创新的技术将帮助他们在职业生涯中取得成功.” 

When asked about some of the key reasons that 韦伯斯特大学 chose ARwall to partner with for the delivery of their virtual production stage, Rothenbuhler说, “我们考察了几家公司,ARwall是最容易合作的公司之一, 打从一开始. 和他们一起工作, 我们还能得到阿布森LED墙, 服务器, 软件, 并作为一个包安装, 而且价格都很合理. 他们一直很支持我,也很容易共事.”

虚拟生产设备已经被学生们很好地使用了. “10月中旬,柏林墙刚建好, 10 students and two faculty members began meeting in a class every Wednesday night to learn the system and experiment with its capabilities,Rothenbuhler说. “到学期末, 八周后, 他们拍了几个场景,制作了一个样片.”

Rothenbuhler elaborated on how the new facility has taken student and faculty projects to the next level. “We started this semester with three classes scheduled regularly in the Sound Stage with the wall and other classes ready to go there for specific assignments,他说. 我们还补充道 虚幻引擎 为电影制片人组成部分,我们的电影,电视和视频制作课程. 我们已经教虚幻引擎在我们的游戏设计课程数年,当然. Some of the students who were in that first course last fall are producing their own work on the wall now, 负责高级项目等独立工作. One of my faculty colleagues is also using the virtual cinema system in his own new production, 完全设置在一个由3d生成的演员组成的想象世界中.”


韦伯斯特大学's School of Communications worked directly with ARwall to build a virtual production facility which best fit the school’s program and the professional development needs of its students. “At ARwall, we don’t have a one-size-fits-all service,” 说 Rene Amador, ARwall CEO and Co-Founder. “从最初的概念到最终交付,我们提供专业的XR咨询. 我们确定了韦伯斯特大学空间和计划课程的需求, 承认, 帮助他们的学生达到生产准备水平, they needed access to the latest virtual production technology and the freedom to experiment and make their boundless ideas into a reality. 除了, our partnership with LED manufacturer 艾比森 meant that the university was able to access professional-grade tools. 这包括一个20 x 12英尺. 1.5mm间距艾比森 AX Pro LED墙,结合我们的ARFX Pro服务器系统.”

当被问及阿沃尔和阿布森的合作是如何走到一起的, Amador说, “我们与艾比森有着长期的合作关系, 之前曾与他们合作过一个舞台装置 肥皂盒的电影. We knew that their AX Pro panels provide the best quality solutions for virtual production filmmaking, 这是我们与阿布森合作了一年多来实现的目标. 一些关键的技术优势包括准确的色彩再现, 防眩光哑光处理, 高7680Hz刷新率为优秀的节奏和运动模糊, and HDR10 equivalent dynamic contrast; all of which make final images more detailed and realistic, 为学生提供最好的工具,使他们的故事栩栩如生. ARwall brings its award-winning 软件 and server tech, ARFX Pro, to complete the illusion.”

弗兰克任, 首席技术官, 艾比森, elaborated on how LED technology is often used in conjunction with XR projects to complement and enhance XR for creators and users, 特别是新的虚拟制作工作室. 韦伯斯特大学正在使用阿布森的AX1.5 Pro cabinets which is a fine pitch portable tile dedicated for the use in Virtual Production,他说. “它能够重现为电影使用而设计的内容的广泛色域. This product is capable of supporting many features that Virtual Production LED Walls need to have such as multiple frame rates, 帧重新映射, 以及高帧率的内容. 的ax₁.5 Pro has great performance on many well-known film camera models to prevent scan lines from appearing in the content. It uses our IMD (Integrated Mounting Device) pixel technology to increase the contrast ratio and limit the amount of moiré effect in camera movements.”

关于艾布森技术在新的虚拟生产设施中的具体用途, 任说, “The directors are able to see the filming environment on set and make real-time adjustments that will significantly improve production communication and efficiency. The cast is also able to see the scene in real-time to be able to react and make acting adjustments on the fly. Time, 能源, and money can be saved for both set changes that need to take place and travel budgets for some productions. LED墙可以将一个城市录制的视频带到工作室. Light from the LEDs will be present and can be used as a backlight to reflect off the talent's bodies authentically.”


“大规模的虚拟场景可以在一个小型的本地制作工作室拍摄, 使用帧重映射可以一次拍摄多个场景,任说. “The talent will act, and the cameras will pick up only the different video at its refresh rate. Postproduction time and reshoots are greatly reduced as the majority of the production time will be used during the pre-production phase instead of building the entire virtual world for the entire production. 想象力是无限的. A director and/or studio can design whatever they can imagine for a production and play it on the LED Wall.”

最终, this new collaboration between top-tier tech companies with a top-tier film and photography college is an essential step towards bridging the gap between education and virtual production technologies and ensuring that the next generation of talent enters the professional industry better prepared than ever.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


现在学生们都回到教室了, schools and universities face an existential dilemma about the role video will play going forward.


Mobeon CEO Mark Alamares discusses how the gaming industry is influencing live streaming production, 特别是在VR / AR /先生/XR领域, and the trend toward virtual production and the rise of virtual talent in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.

VR? AR? 今天,一切都是关于XR

尽管VR技术有所进步,但人们对它的兴趣已经减弱. 但将其与增强现实和混合现实结合起来形成扩展现实(XR)。, 事情变得有趣起来.


2020 is shaping up to be another year in which educational video will undergo a deliberate, 经过深思熟虑的过渡,而不是任何形式的革命性转变. 以下是需要注意的事项.


我是詹姆斯·佩恩, FlightLine电影公司的杰伊·内梅斯, and SkyRae's Scott Gillies discuss current challenges to moving VR into the mainstream in this clip from their 在线直播 Summit panel at 流媒体 East 2019.