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Video: Bitmovin Provides Adaptive Streaming Infrastructure, HTML5 Cloud Encoding for Enterprise and Integrators

[This sponsored interview was recorded at 流媒体 West 2016. Learn more about Bitmovin.]

蒂姆Siglin: 蒂姆Siglin here, contributing editor for 流媒体 magazine and Streamingmedia.com, and I've got with me today Stefan Lederer from Bitmovin. 斯特凡,在过去的两年里你确实吸引了很多关注. 两年前, if I talked to big companies, whether it's Enterprise or competitors, 并说, "What do you think about Bitmovin?" They'd say, "Who's Bitmovin?" Now they know who you are. Why do you think that is? 为什么你认为Bitmovin在过去的两年里获得了很多关注?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 这是个好问题. 我认为这是与基于html5的回放等新技术的结合, DRM保护, HTML5, 支持不同的流媒体格式,无需大量配置和生态系统. That's definitely one of the things.

我们做的另一件好事是,我们尽可能地开放,这样人们就可以访问我们的网站,自己试用我们的产品. 我们在网上有很多文档,网上有教程,网上有源代码示例.

蒂姆Siglin: 人们可以在购买产品或获得产品许可之前获得这些信息?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 是的. Before they even talk to us. 很多人更喜欢看一看产品的幕后, 然后他们说:“好吧, that's interesting to me, let's talk about the details.“在那里我们可以提供必要的支持和指导,真正帮助客户解决问题.

蒂姆Siglin: You've got sort of a self-service model. 你的业务中有多少是想要标准HTML5播放器的小型夫妻店, versus say the enterprise organizations?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: We're completely focused on enterprise, 他们欣赏我们深厚的专业知识和我们所能提供的支持水平. Roughly 95% and more is coming from enterprises. Across the board in the media space and the platform business, 美国和拉丁美洲国家以及欧洲和中东的集成商现在正在向我们走来. We're really nicely spread here as well.

蒂姆Siglin: 对于那些积分器, 他们是否有不同于典型企业客户的支持层?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: We have worldwide 24/7 support with our office locations. That works out really nicely. 这正是企业业务需要从基础设施层提供商那里得到的. You see our player infrastructure as well as our cloud encoding, 集成商通常会提供第一级的支持,而我们提供技术上的深度支持, but also the content providers. We are scaling a critical part of their revenue flows. 我们提供的也是必要的支持层,以确保一切都在运行. Similar to cable to broadcast, the online channel has to work 24/7. 我们是一家小公司,但我们可以达到他们所需要的支持水平.

蒂姆Siglin: Given the fact that you cover the player and DRM, 你认为Bitmovin会和其他公司合作建立一个整体的生态系统吗, 或者你会转向高端市场,开始向供应链上游移动,并提供平台基础?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: We will always stay on the infrastructure layer, so that means our player and our encoding are in the infrastructure, and we have an interface for that. We are now releasing a couple of products around that, so editing functionality of the player for error monitoring, QS等等. Here we spin out different products, again separate product lines.

For us it's always important not to be an integrated platform so that you have to buy everything from us; that's not our intention. 如果用户愿意选择我们的玩家,我们就会尽可能地简化这一过程, 那就好了, and if customers want to go with our encoding it's fine as well. 除此之外,我们还与提供DRM、CDN、存储、分析等服务的供应商合作. 这是必要的,因为当客户来找我们时,他们有问题,我们需要解决这个问题. We can solve some parts from our products, but we need to bring in partners specialized in those areas. 这是很棒的工作, we have a really great set of partners out there, especially in the DRM space, which makes it really fun to work with them.

蒂姆Siglin: 你谈到了一些东西,比如DRM和你正在推出的离散产品. Between now and the next 流媒体 in May—say, 接下来的六到七个月——你认为Bitmovin在这段时间里特别关注的趋势是什么?

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: DRM is one of the main topics at the moment, 和HTML5, 使这里的工作流程更简单,也使从Flash到HTML5的过渡成为可能.

蒂姆Siglin: 啊,很好.

斯蒂芬·莱德尔: 是的,但与此同时,我们也看到了很多VR内容. 摄像机在那里, 劳动力在那里, 设备就在那里, and content providers want to do VR content, and there's something we couldn't see a lot. It's part of buying decisions as well. 360度是一种持续存在的东西,我们在新闻领域、体育领域和许多其他用例中都看到了它. 如果我们以360为切入点,我们现在可以获得很多有趣的客户机会和新的品牌名称.

蒂姆Siglin: 有趣的. 这是Stefan Lederer和Bitmovin在2016年流媒体西部的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》节目.

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