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Tulix: 2017在线视频行业预测


There have been a number of exciting advancements in the streaming industry over the past year, 但2017年最具影响力的发展, 在我看来, 以下是:

•在线视频平台的订阅货币化已经牢固地巩固了自己的可行性, thanks to consumer familiarization with the model and the ability of content providers to provide multi-screen services that provide both the content and the convenience that consumers demand.

• Ad-insertion is less costly—thanks to technology that allows for compatibility across all platforms without individual player-specific development—and more lucrative because of advancements that allow for interactive and dynamic ads that target users based on viewing behaviors.

•创建专业的线性渠道现在比以往任何时候都容易, making it possible for just about anyone to create and distribute broadcast-quality programming to global audiences.

Thanks to the reduced costs of distribution and growing viability of monetization models for streaming media, 各种类型和规模的内容提供商现在都能够进入一个巨大且不断增长的市场.

在Tulix, 我们的目标一直是让每个人都能访问流媒体, 内容提供者和消费者. 我们从构建一流的CDN开始, 为现场直播而设计, and have expanded to create a 360-degree solution for streamed content monetization across all devices.

近年来,我们与客户合作,完善了订阅盈利模式. 现在, we are working on an online brokerage ecosystem for generating ad-revenue that promises to be both a stand-alone and complementary means of monetizing content. 我们认为有效的内容货币化是我们客户成功的基石, 这就是为什么我们对我们在这方面的进展感到兴奋, 以及我们为2017年准备的许多其他技术发展.

下面是我们对乔治·博库查瓦的完整采访记录. See the rest of the 2017 流媒体 Executive Predictions in the related 文章 below, or 在这里下载整批文件.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 大家好,今天和我谈话的是乔治Bokuchava,他是 Tulix and we're going to talk a little bit about the Executive Predictions article that George wrote for the January-February issue of 流媒体. 欢迎,乔治. 也许你可以先给我们的观众介绍一下Tulix, 以防他们对公司不熟悉.

乔治·Bokuchava: Tulix是通过互联网提供流媒体服务领域的领先公司, 货币化服务, 以及为广播公司和内容所有者定制基于ip的项目.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 在《百家乐软件app最新版下载》这篇文章中,你谈了很多关于盈利的内容. You start by talking about subscription based video and how that's really become a viable form of monetization. How have CDNs like Tulix helped subscription based services become viable and be the leading method of monetization for OTT video?

乔治·博库查瓦:事实上, Tulix provides several types of monetization including pay-per-view and advertisement-based monetization, 以及基于订阅的. 到目前为止,所有的变化都是动态的,所以我们看到了很多变化. 到目前为止, 实际上, 通过互联网按次付费和广告, 我们觉得不太成功. While we're very focused on subscription-based and while we are leaders in this particular area of providing subscription-based services to content owners and broadcasters.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 你还谈到了这样一个事实,即广告插入正变得越来越容易和有效, 因此,基于广告的视频服务也将增长. What changes are happening on the ad insertion front that give viewers a better experience and give publishers better monetization?

乔治·Bokuchava: 实际上,基于广告的盈利是我们最近关注的焦点. 我们将继续在这一特定业务领域投入越来越多的百家乐软件. 正在发生的事情非常有趣. 我们与广播公司就广告插入进行了多次对话. 现在, 我们正在打造一个完整的生态系统, a closed cycle ad-based system which will allow for users to upload their advertisement to choose ad spots, 而Tulix将管理整个系统, 以及各频道内容的分发. 这个系统将允许每个人参与并成为成功的一方, 包括广告商和广播公司.

这个系统将完全基于云计算. 在这一点上,我们认为这将产生巨大的影响. 我们正在与几家广播公司合作寻找这些功能, 只是为了确保我们没有漏掉任何一个. The good part is that Tulix is capable of building the whole system from the ground up based on the Tulix CDN, 基于Tulix基础架构, 依靠我们自己的百家乐软件.

如果可以的话, I'd like to continue a little bit about another big difference between our systems and classical systems. We will be able to get a granularity that will be able to display ads based on user profiles. 对于一个传统的老式广播公司来说,这是一个闻所未闻的功能. 我们甚至从其中一些人那里听到,“你知道吗? 我们可能不需要这种细粒度的广告.“但是你知道吗? 在社交网络的世界里, 以及网站和应用程序的领域, 你确实有这样的粒度. 我认为这将是非常有益的,因为显然对广告商来说, 或者说是出版商, to get the biggest return on their money will be when you have a very granular advertisement which will be based on user profiles.

People will be 实际上 interested in watching those advertisement clips versus just skipping them because it's nothing to do with their interests.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 正确的. 听起来是这样, because Tulix is building the entire ecosystem that gives publishers and advertisers a one-stop shop so to speak. 有一个地方可以去. 你知道,所有的东西都会被积分. 不需要担心第三方集成. 听起来,对于所有参与其中的人来说,这将是一个非常无缝的过程.

乔治Bokuchava:绝对. 我们不会排除任何第三方. 既然它将在我们的控制之下,它也将很容易做到这一点.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 是有意义的. 你还写道,你看到了线性OTT渠道的增长. How has it become easier to create linear OTT channels to replicate the classic broadcast experience in a way that hasn't been able to be done 之前?

乔治·Bokuchava: 这是一个很大的话题. 我们稍后可能会详细讨论. 现在我想和大家分享的是去年我们所看到的, 实际上, 它动态地变得越来越大. 我不认为这是个问题. 我认为这是一件非常好的事情,特别是基于ip的系统, 我们发现了什么——而且不只是我们, but broadcasters—are finding out are they're much more cost efficient than compared to the classical broadcasting systems and when we talk about cost-efficient, 我们说的不是20%. 我们说的还不是节省50%的成本. 有时我们说的是1比10的比例,这是巨大的成本节约, and the interesting part of what we see is the minute broadcasters are getting such processes, 这样的定价, 他们不想回去,他们什么都要. 以IP为基础, 他们要求大量节约成本, 很明显, 他们认为他们可以得到. 此外,它们还获得了更多的功能. 您将同时获得一个具有更多功能的更具成本效益的系统, 这正是广播公司感兴趣的.

它将是四分之一,它将是游戏系统,它将是任何东西. 当你切换到基于IP的时候, 有了新技术, Tulix特别感兴趣的是什么, 与其他公司区别开来的新技术——这是巨大的. 实际上,广告的粒度,这就是其中一个例子. 其他的例子也有. 现在, 之前, to get a play out system for a new startup or just to add more channels to multi-medium sized broadcaster, 这是一项艰巨的任务. 现在, Tulix在游戏领域也有自己的产品, 以及一些第三方协议. All of them are cloud-based but cloud-based means they will be running off of Tulix premises which are much more efficient. 我们说的是1比20的价格比率. 广播公司想要推出一个24/7的线性频道, 在此之前,这是一个非常困难的任务,如果我可以这么说的话. 一旦他们发现了我们的事,那就是小菜一碟. 他们可以在没有任何设备的情况下在三天内启动并运行一些东西, 没有任何东西,只要他们有内容.

We 实际上 just added a new feature to our play out system that will accept almost any format, 这让所有广播公司的日子更轻松了吗.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: That certainly shows how broadcasters can replicate that broadcast experience in an entirely IP based ecosystem. Let's close by talking a little bit about what Tulix has planned for 2017 in terms of the kind of customers you're working with, 就你前进的方向而言.

乔治Bokuchava如你所见, what we're talking about is coming up with a number of solutions and those solutions are 实际上 dictated. 我们有两个,不是方向,而是两种类型的活动. 一个, we're coming up with our own product based on our own experience and the other one is that our customers 实际上 dictating to us what they would like to see. 其中一个产品, 我们还没讨论过吗, 分销给附属公司是否更具成本效益. 我们所讨论的是将内容分发到美国各地的所有分支机构.S. 甚至在国际上, 我们现在可以通过IP来做,成本是多少, 我会说, 我甚至不称它为分数, 假设我们讨论的是1/20的成本. 当我们可以提供内容到加勒比分支机构, 我们可以把货送到夏威夷分公司, 我们可以给世界上的任何人送货,而且价格也在下降.

它不仅在下降, but we're also coming up with solutions which will allow us to provide a solution at the point that it's getting so easy and it's getting so cost-effective that there's almost no competition for us, 同时也让我们的客户非常满意. The biggest thing here that many broadcasters are finding out is that there is an alternative to what we are doing. 现在,没有回头路了. They're jumping to that solution and they don't want to hear about anything else—why would they if it costs 10 to 20 times more?

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 对,对. Exciting stuff that you're up to and of course if our viewers want to know more, they can go to www.tulix.感谢大家的宝贵时间,祝大家2017年愉快.

乔治·Bokuchava: 谢谢,非常感谢.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


我们将在2017年看到更多类似的情况, 这是一件好事——我们这个行业的人正在用一种算法改变世界, 一个像素, 一次一项专利.

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出版商需要专注于创造优秀的内容, 将幕后的技术细节留给经过验证的托管服务提供商.


2017年将是社交平台视频直播的实验年. Facebook Live处于领先地位,但其他平台正在迎头赶上.

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2017年将是4K直播制作的一年,也是大家一起做直播的一年, 来自世界各地

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直播将是2017年的大新闻,而OTT正在取代IPTV. 新的4K编码器和解码器的贡献和OTT正在帮助实现这一切.

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服务器端广告插入将彻底改变在线视频, 再加上精细分析,就为在线视频广告创造了完美的风暴


Flash正在消亡,HLS和DASH无法提供与RTMP相同的低延迟. 新技术提供低延迟流

i2i Media: 2017年在线视频行业预测

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