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阿列克谢Petrovskikh of G-Core实验室 谈平台, 它的功能, and market trends.

G-Core Labs has announced a streaming platform built on their own global content delivery network that can relay video signal to anywhere in the world with a delay of under one second. 阿列克谢Petrovskikh, G-Core实验室流媒体平台的负责人, 谈平台, 它的功能, 以及低延迟交付的市场趋势.


The G-Core Labs streaming platform is a unique turnkey solution for live video and video-on-demand streaming that can be used to deliver video content to any device anywhere in the world in Full HD and 4K quality. Viewers want to watch the key moments of broadcasts without delay and get access to videos and films that interest them the instant they press the Play button. 这就是为什么我们保证视频传送时间为1到4秒. By default, we support a delay of up to four seconds for all video streams. 这可以传递给1亿观众. Customers can also subscribe to the ultra-low latency streaming service—a premium platform service where, 借助WebRTC技术, 视频流传输时间被最小化到1秒.

使用我们的流媒体平台, a fully-fledged online broadcast of a TV channel can quickly be established from scratch, 或者是播放电影的在线影院, 系列, 体育比赛, 扑克锦标赛, 摇滚音乐会, 营销视频, 个人视频博客也可以创建. 一切都可以设置从个人帐户或通过API. Customers don’t need their own transcoding servers, CDNs, or broadcasting engineers.

G-Core实验室自2018年以来一直在开发视频流媒体业务. How is the updated Streaming Platform different from the previous version of this product, 媒体平台?

与之前版本的平台相比, 我们已经将延迟从10秒减少到1到4秒, 对于超低延迟流媒体和2.低延迟则减少5倍. 这是向前迈出的一大步. 我们使用先进的技术来减少视频流的传输时间, 例如块化CMAF, HTTP CTE, 低延迟HLS, WebRTC, SRT, 和低延迟CDN.

Another important feature is providing streamlined support for all stages of broadcasting from capturing and converting a video stream to its playback. 我们的流媒体平台提供了您需要的所有工具, 包括代码转换, 云存储, 内容交付网络, 以及跨平台HTML5播放器.

跟我们说说你的客户. 哪些企业将从您的流媒体平台中受益?

The G-Core Labs streaming platform is already used by several large European media holdings, 银行, 零售商, 电子游戏开发者, 包括wg的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》, 《百家乐软件》, TeleSport集团传媒控股, 以及专营家用电器的商家, 电子及其他产品.

我们的解决方案是多功能的,非常适合体育广播公司, 电视频道, 在线影院和各种OTT服务, 新闻门户网站, 博彩板块, 虚拟音乐会和电子竞技比赛的组织者, 视频博主和任何与视频内容相关的行业的公司, 包括零售商, 开发人员, 汽车经销商.


我们支持自适应比特率流高达4K, 360°和3D视频. 我们可以录制4个小时的录像,并回放直播(DVR). 在他们的个人账户中, 客户可以访问清晰的统计数据和分析, 包括关于唯一用户数量的数据, 观看人数的高峰, 推荐列表, 等等.......

流媒体和内容货币化, 我们使用服务器端广告插入(SSAI), 多种广告模式和反广告屏蔽功能, H.264 avc, h.265 HEVC, VP8, VP9, AV1 codecs, caching, shielding, and sharding with a global CDN.


We have successfully integrated a range of technologies into our platform in order to use the full power of G-Core Labs content delivery network to deliver traffic while still achieving very low latency video.

基于HTTP的低延迟流媒体新标准(DASH), HLS), 我们的平台使用的, 是基于HTTP 1的一种变体的使用.1协议称为分块传输编码. This makes it possible to transfer new parts of the last (live) video segment to the customer immediately as they arrive from the transcoding servers.


Low latency software is our own solution in combination with a number of interchangeable open-source solutions for receiving streaming video, 其代码转换, 和分布.

Our hardware infrastructure consists of several geo-distributed clusters for receiving, 处理, and delivering video to the servers of G-Core Labs own content delivery network. Some of these servers are used for CPU transcoding, and others for GPU transcoding. The standard configuration of servers includes Intel Xeon Gold 6152 and 5220R processors, 具有三重复制功能的SSD和HDD驱动器, a高IOPS SSD盘,适用于对IOPS要求较高的应用, 和KVM管理程序.

G-Core Labs proprietary solutions allow us to balance the load between video 处理 clusters and distribute video to the CDN as soon as the first frames arrive.

What was the hardest part about getting the latency of 1–4 seconds and a stable signal?

We solved two important tasks that allowed us to lower the latency to 1–4 seconds: we ensured the compatibility of low-latency streaming with many different platforms and devices, and also adjusted the caching of incompletely formed video parts in the content delivery network. The thing is that standard CDN tools usually don’t allow you to cache unfinished files, 但是我们已经找到了解决这个问题的办法.

Tell us more about the Adblock bypass technology integrated into your streaming platform. 它有多可靠??

Our streaming platform allows you to embed commercials in video streams on the server side and track their impressions. 所有与广告相关的数据看起来都与原始视频内容相同. Video ad snippets are distributed from the same CDN as regular ones and have a similar URL format; the same servers track advertising events; ad metadata is indistinguishable from main content. This solution allows customers to reliably increase their advertising inventory.


根据一些分析人士的说法, in the next two to three years video will account for about 90% of all Internet traffic. 在线教育, 远程医疗, 金融分析, VR/AR和电子商务已经在使用优质的实时视频流. 在接下来的一到三年内, 电子游戏等行业, 的电子竞技, 电视和媒体将以最小的延迟完全切换到流媒体.

今天, G-Core Labs is developing AI-based products that allow an internet user or a TV viewer to receive 信息 in one click about the actors and landmarks in the frame, 或者主播穿的衣服. 这将为广告商提供新的机会.

我们还预计,在不久的将来,大型体育赛事将以8K格式举行, and the actively developing 5G mobile technologies will allow this video content to be delivered to a large number of mobile devices.

在许多市场, 包括美国和中国, 今天,12K内容的制作正在积极发展, 在VR和AR领域尤其受欢迎.

All of this means that more time and resources will be invested in video streaming.  



现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


从医学应用到超宇宙, one of the hottest streaming-related topics today is achieving ultra-low latency for near real-time interactivity. 当然, 多年来,延迟一直是一个关键问题, 但随着流媒体在更多用例中变得可行, 把时间从几秒缩短到几毫秒的愿望只会增加.

How business makes streaming faster and cheaper with CDN and HESP support

Alex Peterson explores how HESP integration helps G-Core实验室 ensure a high video streaming transmission rate for e-sports and gaming, efficient scalability for e-learning and 远程医疗 and high quality and minimum latencies for online streams, 媒体和电视广播公司.
