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What Are CDN Customers' Chief Concerns?

Learn more about CDN priorities at the next Content Delivery Summit.

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Thomas Box: 目前关注的大领域:正如will提到的那样,我们正在看到安全领域的增长. Everyone's taking a look at that. We are also looking at edge growth, 人们希望运行自己的功能并降低延迟, and getting closer to the edge. 这就是推动我们前进的动力,我们已经做了很多实验. We've had edge functions for as long as I can remember. 我们一直在控制身份验证和重定向之类的东西, doing some smart routing, but we've always controlled it internally, exposing that for our customers to run functions, bring in Kubernetes, 把我们的边缘看作是人们可以用来建立Docker的原始计算. 我们从客户那里收到了越来越多的请求,希望为他们提供了解缓冲等功能的能力.

When someone's streaming video across our network, we're able to look at buffering with our own toolsets. How do we expose that so customers can see it too? I mentioned we've got our streaming platform as a service. 客户想要决定由哪个CDN来提供内容. They need to see where we're at. 我想说的是,我们与客户的联系越来越紧密. 我们正在使用他们的一些工具集,他们也对我们提出了更多要求. 并且有一种推动能够驱动一些架构来运行一些新的用例. 因此,我们与客户保持动态,并混合路线图.

Will Law: 我要开始检查托马斯刚才提到的很多问题. 我认为还有一个更大的问题,那就是同质性. 如果您听取了前面的面板,人们希望cdn的一致api执行相同的操作. So CDNs are now functioning primarily in a multi-CDN world. Everything we do, Limelight's expected to do, Verizon's expected to do, 和其他cdn期望做的事情,因为我们被视为可互操作的. And this has a lot of ramifications, 我们有很多机会提供一致性和遵循标准. It's also difficult for a CDN. 如果你走出去,在只有你做的事情上创新,谁会买它? 因为那些想要它的人,他们不能指望你去做. 他们还通过另外三个cdn进行交付.

因此,我们看到围绕边缘计算的压力肯定也在增加, 将门户作为与CDN交互的方式,转向持续集成, continuous development. A dev-led environment. 没有人想去门户网站查看谁浏览了你的流量的图表. 你想要实时数据日志从你的CDN出来,然后传到Splunk或Datadog, which are your sophisticated analytics engines. 所以实时可见性,数据和分析就在那里. And also, I see a general tightening of requirements. It used to be a sort of best effort. Anyone would rack some HTTP servers, put engine X out there, put varnish on top of them, and you had your CDN and now, if you look under the covers, the complexity level is rising dramatically. 这不是简单的清除api或不清除,或推送内容,或内容上的crud类型操作.

There's a lot of interplay. Content is probably never in one place. You have to find it. 你必须发现它,然后你必须选择在哪里存储它. 现在有很多复杂的事情要做. And on top of that is protocols. HTTP / 1.大约10年前,我们用它来运送所有的东西. 现在我们有了H1, H2,还有H3. 选择我们开始使用的拥塞协议是一个额外的复杂性. 因此,CDN必须做的技术要求是开始在这个竞争激烈的领域中发挥作用,这一要求已经急剧上升. And that's really what customers are coming to us for.

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