

What are the best practices for delivering 有效的 hybrid and virtual events using streaming technology? 埃里克·舒马赫-拉斯穆森主席 流媒体会议和CMO, id3as,采访了媒体公司首席技术官安迪·比奇 & 娱乐,在世界范围内, 微软科里·本克,制片人 & 创始人之一, LiveX, about their methods for delivering impactful hybrid events.

Beach notes that there are two key pieces that 微软 has developed over time to ensure a streamlined hybrid event. The first major aspect is working to include remote participants fully and continuously throughout the event. “So making sure that folks in the room [are] continually…looking for questions in chats or calling that out,比奇说. “Making sure there's a proctor that can act as a voice for that remote audience that's in the room.”

微软 has also begun incorporating what they have developed with interactive gaming technology into hybrid events. “Online gameplay is really just about community building,比奇说. “它通常在多个地点, 有时在混合环境中, so bringing in technologies that help users stay connected to events remotely through that lens has been an interesting area. And we're looking at adapting more of that as we move forward in next-gen engagement for viewing, 无论是当面还是远程.”

Corey Behnke emphasizes that the number one element for a good hybrid event is an experienced audio engineer. “Almost every event that I've ever had that came close to failing was because an audio engineer didn't understand the concept of mix-minus,他说. “When an audio engineer first does comms for the first time or does a clear com, 或者四线制到二线制或者二线制到其他任何东西, 他们说, 好吧, 什么是混合? 减去,什么是零? 你会说, 好吧, 一个电话, and you just start getting into this whole conversation about technology. 这可能是最重要的.”

Behnke says that the second most important aspect is ensuring that a remote participant feels attention is being properly paid to them, 特别是如果他们是一个演讲者. “So much of what happened -- especially in the last two years -- for people that were just getting into it, they didn't realize that [they] need to give that person a really good experience because they are alone, 正确的?他说. “这就产生了孤独感. “都是些小事,对吧? 而是与他们进行有效的沟通. 就是那些, 也许这里的人会嘲笑, 但是,你怎么做技术检查, 感觉你有技术检查, those things all contribute to your experience going really 好吧.”

“我完全同意,”比奇说. “甚至在我做剪辑的时候,90%的视频都是音频. 音频驱动器视频. Even when we have conferences like this where you're going to have people in an audience asking questions – making sure that nobody's speaking that's not on camera so that the [remote] people aren't getting lost in where the conversation's coming from, 一个作品的上下文是什么. And yes, to your point, the audio is continually the hard part…if it fails, it doesn't matter. 就像,你输了.”

Learn more about producing successful hybrid events at 流媒体东部2023.

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