
Use Google 玻璃 to Create Enterprise Video: Here's How

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许多企业IT部门都对消费者技术渗透到企业文化中持谨慎态度,以免削弱安全性, cause workplace distractions, 或者更糟. That was the case with spreadsheet software in the 1980s, personal printers in the 1990s, USB flash drives in the 2000s, and mobile phones and tablets in the last half decade. 如今,人们担心的是“可穿戴设备”,最突出的是刚刚问世的谷歌眼镜(Google 玻璃). With its video camera, 语音命令, and record-what-you-see orientation, it is both appealing and appalling to corporate users.

谷歌眼镜的技术能力无法与专业数码摄像机相提并论. 玻璃 captures still photos at 5 megapixels and videos at 720p.它只能存储12GB的内容,录制视频时电池续航时间不到一小时. 动力不足的? 谷歌眼镜在企业中的用途是让任何员工都能捕捉视频,并轻松地将其发布到企业视频服务器上. You don’t need all that power!

在本文中, 我参考Sonic Foundry的Mediasite作为企业视频服务器,但像Qumu这样的系统, Polycom (formerly Accordent), or even 创作 also work. 您的媒体管理系统必须能够使用时间表或文件扫描过程自动导入MP4媒体文件, 其目标是使从捕获到消费的过程尽可能自动化.

我将介绍实现glass到媒体服务器传输的两种方法,以便您可以选择最适合您的企业的方法. 玻璃 is in beta and 玻璃ware is rapidly improving, so while these methods and tools work today, I expect more streamlined methods in the future.


玻璃是一个基于轻量级连接web服务的系统,而玻璃ware的编写方式充分利用了应用程序之间的连接. Unlike a digital camera, 玻璃 is not designed to take hundreds of photos, 存储它们, 然后再上传. It is oriented to share the content you create immediately. After recording video you are prompted to say “ok glass” > “share with” and presented with a list of web services such as YouTube, 脸谱网, and Google+ to which you send your video. After you share, all of the hard work happens in the cloud.

Basic Workflow Overview

第一步, 当然, 就是在谷歌眼镜上拍摄视频,然后与服务分享——为了这个教程, either YouTube or a specific Google Drive folder. 从那里,您需要将文件复制到您的公司视频文件服务器上,以便导入到您的CMS中. If you are using YouTube, this transfer happens with a tool called 米罗. 如果您使用的是Google Drive,则传输将与Google Drive同步客户端一起进行. 最后,您的视频CMS导入文件并将其发布给您的员工. This involves applying a template, 可选的元数据, 并根据您的系统能力和工作流程将文件放入目录中.

The YouTube 玻璃ware Method

Until March of this year, 最好的方法是将视频发送到专门为作为集结地而设置的YouTube帐户. From there the video is downloaded using 米罗, an open source video processing software, configured to scan that specific YouTube account for new videos. You can see that workflow in 图1.

图1. The workflow for publishing from Google 玻璃 to YouTube, then to your organization’s publishing system.

玻璃-to-YouTube的路径是可靠的,并且允许三种不同的选项,允许你以三种状态中的任何一种发布, 未上市的, 和私人. You’ll want to use “Public” so 米罗 can get your file.

The Vodo 玻璃ware Method

Vodo 连接谷歌眼镜和Google Drive的玻璃ware是由艾伦·弗斯滕伯格编写的吗. 它允许你在Drive中选择一个文件夹,直接从谷歌眼镜发送文本、照片和视频。图2). Compared to the YouTube method, 这减少了所涉及的步骤,并淘汰了两个应用程序.

图2. 通过使用Vodo,您可以将发布过程从六个步骤简化为四个步骤. 

For this method, you need to install the Google Drive客户端 that syncs files from your Google Drive to a local file server. 然后, 您与已在Vodo中配置的Google Drive文件夹共享的视频将同步到服务器. Your media CMS can be pointed to that folder and import the files. 缺点是服务器将登录到Google Drive来同步文件, 但这仍然比公共YouTube方法更安全,并且在导入后无需清理.


Both methods have some elements in common. 按照以下部分中的说明设置方法所需的部分.


Supported 玻璃ware is installed by going to www.谷歌.com/myglass and turning it on as indicated by the blue checkmark. 不支持的眼镜软件可以通过访问应用程序制造商的链接并将他们的应用程序连接到你的眼镜来安装. You can see I have several apps turned on in 图3. The YouTube app is by Google and Vodo is one of the newest apps. viddyye和VideoVoyager是另外两个以视频为中心的应用,用于与他人分享谷歌眼镜的视频,但它们的重点是社交互动, and they cannot be linked to a corporate file server.

图3. Your My玻璃 page shows the 玻璃ware you have installed.

In My玻璃 there is nothing to set up for the YouTube app. 对于Vodo, 你所需要做的就是打开它,然后选择你想要分享视频的文件夹. In 图4, you can see I have selected my “images” folder.

图4. 在Vodo应用程序中,你需要选择你想要分享视频的文件夹.


To use the YouTube 玻璃ware method described above, 你需要用注册谷歌眼镜的谷歌账号注册一个YouTube账号. In the YouTube Channel Settings page (图5), 设置默认值,这样从谷歌眼镜创建的视频就会有一个合理的标题和描述,以帮助你识别导入的视频. Don’t forget to set the privacy to “Public” so 米罗 can find them.

图5. 在你的YouTube账户中设置默认值,以便米罗可以找到它们.


米罗是一个安装在公司视频服务器上的开源视频工具. 米罗的目的是提供一种自动的方式来下载任何新创建的YouTube频道上的视频. 在米罗, 为使用YouTube“gData”API(开发者处)创建的视频设置播客.谷歌.指向特定YouTube用户的URL(你之前设置的那个). Essentially this is an RSS feed of all of your videos from 玻璃.

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