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从一开始,很明显2013年将是视频直播的一年. 我们说的不是CEO年度演讲的直播. 我们说的当然不是动物园里猫头鹰笼子里的实时摄像头. No, in 2013 major concerts, awards shows, and more were streamed to huge numbers of viewers, 由于社交网络的特点,谁将能够观看并参与到这种体验中来.
信号已经变成了一门大生意 Bulldog Digital Media, 这家新成立的洛杉矶咨询公司专注于帮助企业做好直播活动. 虽然Bulldog只有两名员工——联合创始人约翰·彼得罗切利和约书亚·伦诺克斯——但这并不妨碍它指导一些大型在线活动. 牛头犬的目标是创造广播质量的赛事,为所有参与者提供价值.

The Way of the Bulldog

Petrocelli和Lennox在这个领域工作多年后决定成立Bulldog, watching it mature and grow. Petrocelli joined AEG Digital Media 2009年,该公司收购了他共同拥有的Incited Media. 在成为AEG的高级产品总监之前,伦诺克斯在环球体育(Universal Sports)担任品牌娱乐顾问,并领导了一个60人的团队. 他们在AEG的时间给了他们举办大型活动(如科切拉音乐节)的经验和知识, the Grammys, and the Royal Wedding), as well as the contacts to drive business. 他们可以看到,各大品牌正在把广告预算转向现场活动, 手机收视的增长带来了令人印象深刻的观众数量.
“市场的这些变化让我们想到,有一个完整的生态系统,我们可以提供建议和制定战略, 而不仅仅是提供后端技术服务,” Petrocelli says. “We are now poised to advise the content owner, which could be a music festival, a concert series, or a product launch; the distribution platform, whether that’s Ustream, YouTube, Vevo, whomever; and also the brand that’s participating in that experience.”
The two started organizing Bulldog Digital Media in the summer of 2012; they formally launched the company in January 2013. They’ve been working with clients since September, though, 包括Ustream和Verizon数字媒体服务. Bulldog的服务包括通过一系列现场活动帮助公司提高知名度,并密切关注成本.
“我们已经销售了很多围绕这些实时互动的技术, 我们知道价格点是什么,应该是什么,” Petrocelli says. “To us the challenge in live has been you’re going event from event; you’re not making a commitment. 我们帮助客户了解如何购买服务,以及如何围绕活动分配成本和预算.
“显然,我们明白,活动成本越可控, the more events can be facilitated. We're very cognizant about that."

Live Video Finds its Moment

在线视频直播并不是一个新发展,但它似乎在2013年取得了重大进展. Concerts, 尤其是像全球公民节这样的大型户外节日, 是2012年9月在纽约中央公园发生的吗, are regularly streamed live. 今年2月,超级碗第二次进行了直播. Live online coverage of the major award shows, such as the Grammys and the Academy Awards, is now expected. 一些人认为,联网客厅的兴起推动了视频直播的发展, 因为人们可以在沙发上创造一种身临其境的“身临其境”体验. The men of Bulldog, however, say mobile devices are equally important, as is the mainstreaming of social networking.
“你可以在几乎任何连接的设备上消费内容, from iPhones and Androids to tablets, gaming consoles, to connected TV sets,” Petrocelli says. “If you want to enjoy an experience, you’re not really precluded, you’re not tethered; you can really enjoy it from anywhere. So that’s a big factor. 还有关于事件的沟通能力——信息, tweet, text, 等等——增加了一种整体的交互性,现在观众变成了参与者.”
The other major factor is the money. 如果广告商不把现场视频活动视为与客户建立联系的理想机会,它就不会有这么大的影响力.
“品牌希望找到与这些精明的用户群建立联系的方法, but also hold their attention,” Petrocelli says. “A live concert, 一个现场的节日——任何现场的东西都是他们在订婚期间消费的东西,而不是, ‘Hey, 我要录下我的节目,然后跳过广告.’ That branding opportunity is very significant.”
In our time-shifted culture, DVR现在在许多人的电视观看中扮演着中心角色, the rise of live is a curiosity. People enjoy the group experience, Petrocelli says, 包括推特和关注其他人关于流的推特的能力, and to take part in live polls. 当然,现场视频活动不仅仅是现场体验. Most are offered as video-on-demand files, 有时,录制事件比现场事件获得更多的观众. It’s an approach that Bulldog recommends.

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