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我们的流媒体专家小组发表了讲话, and these are the 50 companies doing the most important and innovative work in online video today. Read our introduction 以了解有关如何创建该列表的更多信息. (Note that the Streaming Media 50 list highlights companies with headquarters in the U.S. 我们将在我们的网站上公布我们的欧洲流媒体名单 Streaming Media Europe site in November.)


Shantanu Narayen,董事长、总裁兼首席执行官

It’s been fascinating to watch Adobe develop and morph in the last few years, 至少在流媒体视频领域是这样. Flash is the format that just won’t die, 但这已经不再是公司关注的焦点, Adobe的黄金时段已成为其皇冠上的明珠, 覆盖了美国99%以上的付费电视家庭.S.


Tom Leighton, Co-Founder and CEO

It was the first CDN, and it’s the biggest, 但它仍然是最具创新性的公司之一, 继续将其边缘网络扩展到4个以上,000 locations across the globe and taking a lead on combating cybersecurity breaches and piracy.

Amazon Web Services

Andy Jassy, CEO

If Akamai is king of the edge, then Amazon Web Services is king of the cloud. 在消费者端添加Prime Video,在编码/转码/包装端添加AWS Elemental, 你是我们名单上唯一一家为世界上所有人提供在线视频服务的公司.


Tim Cook, CEO

我们通常不会称赞科技公司在内容方面的努力, 而即将推出的AppleTV+服务可能太少了, too late. But with content from Hollywood’s biggest names (like Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, and J.J. 艾布拉姆斯(Abrams)),苹果显然是在采取行动. And with an install base of 1.40亿台设备,该公司可能会成功. 苹果上一次处于劣势是什么时候?


Sharon Carmel, Founder and CEO

Beamr continues to reinvent itself, pushing the boundaries of both software-based and now hardware-accelerated encoding, 同时仍然保持其在视频优化和分析的根源.


Jeff Ray, CEO

2019 has been a bumpy ride for Brightcove. On one hand, it’s restructured its European division, but on the other, 收购了Ooyala的在线视频平台(OVP)业务, 使其成为仅存的两个原始ovp之一,并使其成为不可忽视的力量.


Christopher Levy, Founder and CEO

BuyDRM几乎从流媒体行业开始就存在了(它成立于2001年)。, 该公司一直孜孜不倦地倡导数字版权管理, 花时间教育行业和消费者为什么它对每个人都有好处——这并不总是一件容易的事.


Jeff Storey, CEO and President

When CenturyLink acquired Level 3 in 2017, it created a telco-CDN match made in heaven. 但正是该公司的Vyvx Cloud connect——将工作室和场地与亚马逊网络服务和谷歌云连接起来——让它在今年的流媒体50强中名列榜首.

Comcast Technology Solutions

Ken Klaer, EVP

与康卡斯特的广告部门密切合作, 康卡斯特技术解决方案正在为将可寻址广告的个性化与传统电视的覆盖范围相结合铺平道路.


Bill Demas, CEO

If streaming is ever going to become better than broadcast, data and analytics are the key. Conviva was one of the first analytics companies in the online video space, and these days, 它几乎与所有大型OTT提供商合作,帮助他们确保他们的内容和广告以尽可能高的质量达到观众.


Bret Griess, President and CEO

将在线视频货币化变得越来越复杂, CSG利用其在其他垂直领域的经验,通过其Ascendon平台,为OTT服务提供了保持竞争力所需的灵活性.


Stephane Roulland, CEO


Dolby Laboratories

Kevin Yeaman, President and CEO

Dolby’s not just for cinemas anymore. 它的Digital Plus是最先进的,可以提供高达7英寸的发烧友级别的流媒体声音.1频道,而其Hybrik部门提供最先进的云转码和质量控制.


Greggory Heil, Founder and CEO

Since introducing cloud encoding and transcoding more than a decade ago, Encoding.com has set the pace in the market, and this year, it introduced Ludicrous HLS, 该公司声称,它可以在15分钟内拍摄一部2小时的高清电影,并为高清电影制作9个输出版本.


David Eisenbacher, Co-Founder and CEO

An innovator in the field of hosted DRM—or, as the company calls it, DRM as a Service (DRMaaS)—EZDRM keeps pushing the limits of the video security market.


Artur Bergman, Founder and CEO

Fastly今年4月的IPO令一些投资者失望, 但分析师仍看好该公司, and with good reason. CDN的边缘计算方法是独一无二的, and its commitment to evangelizing and educating the industry sets it apart.


Sundar Pichai, CEO

Google has its fingers in almost as many segments of the streaming world as Amazon does, and a few that Amazon doesn’t—namely, 用户生成内容(通过YouTube)和广告. 如果你在网上看视频,谷歌是不可避免的.


Mirko Wicha, Chairman, President, and CEO

Haivision has been pushing the envelope with its hardware encoders for years, and this year, it introduced the Makito X4, which delivers 4K HEVC at low latency, helped in part by SRT, 该公司开发的传输协议,然后开源.


Patrick Harshman, President and CEO

说到前沿:谐波参加了法国网球公开赛有史以来第一次通过5G进行的8K直播, 它参与了ATSC 3的首批试验.0 in the U.S.


Stacy Kenworthy, CEO

许多硬件公司都承诺会有更强大的功能和更高的效率, 但HellaStorm是我们这个领域中唯一一家真正专注于节能和减少二氧化碳的公司. Expect more to follow.


Ginni Rometty, Chair, President, and CEO

From the Watson AI platform to IBM Cloud Video to Aspera Transfer Service, IBM continues to innovate on numerous fronts in the streaming video space.

INXPO (A West Company)

Malcolm Lotzof, CEO

从市场营销到企业沟通再到现场活动, INXPO为所有可能的企业视频需求提供解决方案. Now that it’s part of West, it’s got even more resources behind it to make sure customers get what they need.

JW Player

Dave Otten, Co-Founder and CEO

Already used by hundreds (thousands?) of online video publishers, this year, JW Player added its OTT Apps offering, which creates video apps for Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, and Android devices.


Ron Yekutiel, Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO

Along with Brightcove, Kaltura is one of two of the original online video platforms left standing, 虽然它仍然是教育和企业视频领域的领导者, 它也加大了在媒体和娱乐方面的努力.


Andreas Kisslinger, Founder and CEO

Lightcast.com的媒体云旨在为所有设备和平台创建和管理视频应用程序提供一站式服务, as well as automating workflows. 真正的端到端解决方案并不多,但这是其中之一.

Limelight Networks

Robert A. Lento, President, CEO, and Director

At IBC 2018, Limelight直面了延迟的挑战, 推出了Limelight实时流媒体服务, which let attendees see video of themselves streamed from Amsterdam to Los Angeles and back, in less than 1 second. That’s fast!

Media Excel

Jongil Kim, Co-Founder and CEO

The industry’s best-kept secret? Maybe. 但你会发现Media Excel的HERO编码器被电信公司使用, broadcasters, and cable operators everywhere.


Angel Ruiz, CEO

Spun off from Ericsson in 2018, MediaKind很快推出了MediaKind Universe,并在NAB 2019上获得了IABM BaM奖, 6K tiled 360° live stream.


Kumar Subramanian, CEO

To paraphrase an old TV commercial, MediaMelon doesn’t make adaptive bitrate; it makes adaptive bitrate better with its QBR technology. It also offers analytics and CDN routing for a comprehensive quality offering.


Mike Newman, CEO

Led by one of the early innovators in enterprise video (remember Accordent Technologies?), MediaPlatform始终走在企业视频领域的前沿, 从行政市政厅到网络研讨会再到培训.


Satya Nadella, CEO

In the early part of this decade, we noticed a steady stream of video engineers and executives leaving Redmond. In the last few years, many of those same people have come back, and it shows in the advances made by Azure, Stream, and the video AI division.


Jon Dahl, Co-Founder and CEO

Mux has only been around since 2015, 而是基于api的视频编码方法, streaming, 质量分析迅速使其成为该领域的领导者. 它的Demuxed会议也迅速成为在线视频领域必参加的活动之一.


Oliver Gunasekara, CEO

NGCodec’s FPGA-based encoders are used by Twitch for hardware-based VP9 transcodes, 该公司声称,它能够提供比其他基于硬件的编码器高30%的压缩. They must be doing something right; in July, FPGA inventor Xilinx acquired the company.


Eric Burns, CEO

Panopto在最新的Gartner企业视频内容管理魔力象限中成为领导者之一, 这是有充分理由的:该公司一直对企业和教育视频领域有着深刻的理解.


Claudio Lisman, President and CEO

For both live and file-based media management workflows, Primestream has long been a pacesetter. Its new Review Hub steps up the game for collaborative content review and approvals.


Vern Hanzlik, President and CEO

Another leader in the latest Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management, Qumu supplies cloud, on-prem, and hybrid corporate video solutions to some of the biggest companies in the world.

Red5 Pro

Chris Allen, CEO and President

Low latency? 对于超过100万的观众来说,低于500毫秒的延迟如何? 这就是Red5 Pro结合边缘计算实现的目标, clusters of virtual instances in the cloud, and WebRTC.


Mark Bonney, Executive Chairman

After a few years adrift, SeaChange has found its sea legs (sorry, 我们无法抗拒),提供它的媒体资产管理套件, ad management, and analytics solutions for set-top boxes, smart TVs, and mobile devices in product, managed service, and SaaS form.

Sonic Foundry

Michael Norregaard, CEO

The Mediasite lecture capture hardware is how Sonic Foundry made its name, but in recent years its event streaming platform (also called Mediasite) has taken center stage, streaming 150,000 hours of content annually.


Abdul Rehman, CEO and Co-Founder

It’s the oldest dilemma in video quality assessment: human eye versus algorithm. SSIMWAVE splits the difference with its SSIMPLUS Live Monitor and SSIMPLUS VOD Monitor Inspector, 两者都模仿人类的视觉感知(后者现在可以在云端使用).


Yves Padrines, CEO

Last year, Cisco spun out its video division, and Synamedia is the result. The company already powers more than 1 million TV channels and almost a half-million streams for 1,000 customers.


Scott Puopolo, CEO

已经跻身流媒体公司的上层, 几乎每一步的视频工作流程的解决方案, 今年,电视流媒体又上了一个台阶, with its acquisition of Tektronix’s video and audio monitoring and testing division.





Amedeo D’Angelo, Chairman and CEO

Verimatrix已经拥有强大的安全和分析组合, and earlier this year, it was acquired by Inside Secure—which just changed its name to Verimatrix. 此次整合加强了两家公司的产品.

Verizon Digital Media Services (VDMS)

Ralf Jacob, President

VDMS的母公司于2018年底更名为威瑞森媒体集团, but that change hasn’t affected VDMS itself, which continues to provide an end-to-end solution from video services to content delivery to QoE.


Anjali Sud, CEO

Vimeo’s vision is “creator first,” according to CEO Sud, 它帮助创作者以尽可能高的质量发布和分发视频的承诺一如既往地坚定.


Chris Savage, CEO and Co-Founder

Wistia已经成为小型企业的首选视频平台,拥有500多家客户,000 companies.

Wowza Media Systems

David Stubenvoll, CEO and Co-Founder

Wowza一直致力于帮助客户从各个可能的角度应对延迟挑战——通过SRT(它帮助海视开发了SRT)。, WebRTC, Common Media Application Format (CMAF), and HLS.


Sean Doherty, CEO and Co-Founder

Wurl found a niche when it launched in 2010, 将视频制作人与OTT服务和广告商联系起来. Today, the Wurl network delivers more than 5 billion minutes of viewing to 150 million viewers a month.


Gordon Brooks, Executive Chairman and CEO

紫溪面临着来自其他低时延公司的竞争, 纠错IP贡献和传输技术, but it’s still relied on by most of the major broadcasters and streaming services.

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