
The 2018 流媒体 50: The 50 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video in 2018


First things first: Why the 流媒体 50, 而不是流媒体100强, 我们从2011年开始发布的?

Isn’t the online video industry growing, with more vendors than ever in the space?

While it’s true that the online video space is more crowded than ever, we’re predicting a shakeout in the next 12 to 18 months. Consumers can only subscribe to so many video services; more and more big broadcasters and telcos are bringing technology in-house via microservices and virtualization; and enterprises video is table stakes. So we decided to take our most challenging task of each year—picking the most important, 创新, and interesting companies in the online video space—and make it even harder. 我们的目标? To provide our readers with a list of the cream of the crop, the companies that are here today and won’t be gone tomorrow.


The other reason the list is smaller this year is that we’ve decided to take the video production part of the market, the one covered by 百家乐软件app最新版下载, 并给出它自己的列表. The 百家乐软件app最新版下载 25, which we’ll publish in the April/May issue of 流媒体杂志.

As usual, we’re focusing almost exclusively on technology vendors, rather than content companies. This list has always been about recognizing the companies that enable video services to deliver great content to consumers reliably at the highest possibly quality on every device, and hopefully to make money from it.

和过去几年一样, we asked our regular contributors to look at a master list of all the vendors in the online video marketplace and rank them on a scale of one (doesn’t belong on the 流媒体 50 at all) to five (no list of the most important companies would be complete without it). 前50名榜上有名.

Also, the 流媒体 50 focuses exclusively on companies with headquarters in North America. 今年晚些时候, 我们将公布一份类似的名单, 流媒体欧洲101, focusing on companies with headquarters in Europe.

Congratulations to this year’s inaugural 流媒体 50!


特洛伊德雷尔, senior associate editor, 流媒体; and editor, OnlineVideo.网
1月时, principal, Streaming Learning Center; and contributing editor, 流媒体
罗伯特•莱因哈特, CTO, VideoRx; and contributing editor, 流媒体
Dom罗宾逊, co-founder and creative firestarter, id3as; and contributing editor, 流媒体
Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, VP and editor-in-chief, 流媒体 Tim Siglin, contributing editor, 流媒体


You can see many of these companies and their products and services in person at 流媒体西部 在亨廷顿海滩, 加州, 下个月, Streaming Forum in London in February, and 流媒体 East in New York City in May.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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