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Streaming Media Presents the Best Products of NAB 2016

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Didn't make it to Las Vegas for NAB this year? Or maybe you made it, 但我们被分布在三个大厅和多个场外会议室的公司数量所淹没. 或者你在北馆的虚拟现实馆花了太多时间,没有看到你想看到的东西.

Don't worry; the Streaming Media and Streaming Media 生产商 editorial teams scoured the floors and sifted through hundreds of press releases to select the six products and services that capture the best of NAB. 今年, 我们还包括了那些没有入选但值得关注的荣誉奖, 尽管如此.

The Best of NAB 2016

Akamai Broadcast Operations Control Center

To better support its over-the-top (OTT) video delivery customers, Akamai在剑桥开设了第一个广播运营控制中心(BOCC), Massachusetts, 总部. 该中心由一个平均12人的团队组成,但在举办大型活动时可以扩大到50人. 中国奥委会的团队将使用基于Akamai媒体分析产品的工具来监控和分析直播的OTT质量, 线性, and on-demand video. Alerts will notify the team of network disruptions, so they can troubleshoot and make corrections quickly. Akamai表示,它将与每个客户合作,根据他们的需求创建正确的编码配置文件和播放器配置. The company also says that it will establish more BOCCs in the U.S. and internationally.特洛伊德雷尔

Aspera FASPStream for Live Streaming

aspa将其大型文件传输技能与aspa FASPStream一起用于实时视频, 一种用于在公共互联网上传输广播质量视频的软件. Built on Aspera's FASP bulk data protocol, FASPStream承诺无故障传输和快速启动时间. 该服务可以传送任何实时视频源,包括组播, 单播, and TCP—and ensure its arrival without significant packet loss. 例如, 它指出,它可以以不到5秒的延迟传输50mbps的流, 承载250毫秒的往返延迟和3%的数据包丢失. That's strong enough for live 4K streaming between continents.—特洛伊德雷尔

Blackmagic Design Ursa Mini as a Studio Camera Workflow

小熊迷你已经有了一个工作室友好的B4底座. 当与新的Ursa Studio取景器和新的固件配对时,允许ATEM视频切换器控制计数, 反馈, camera control, color balancing, and lens control, 它为Blackmagic用户提供了比入门级BMD工作室相机更专业的工作室相机选择. 工作室的工作流程进一步扩展与黑魔设计的HyperDeck控制集成, 这使得HyperDeck可以作为视频播放的来源,有或没有慢动作.—肖恩林

Datavideo KMU-100 4K Video Processing Unit

这款独特的设备将于2016年夏季发货,可接受Quad SDI (6G或12G), HDMI 2.0, and DisplayPort up to 2160p60. 硬件允许将单个4K摄像机馈送分成图像周围任意比例的四个象限. 由此产生的1080p作物可以切换,就好像有四个独立的角度一样. 添加可选的rmmc -180 CCU为制作人提供了一个标准的操纵杆PTZ硬件控制器来移动和缩放每个角度.—Paul Schmutzler

Matrox Monarch LCS Lecture Capture and Streaming Appliance

这种双输入独立设备满足了许多会议和教育客户的混合需求, 合成, 记录, and streaming a single or dual video streams. Monarch LCS可以与传统的网络广播服务一起使用,您可以在单个a /B混合之间进行推送和交替, 但图片的图片或图片中的图片合成(以及流输入, 并通过一个多视图视频播放器)将观看体验放在观众手中, who can switch the view just as easily.—肖恩林

Microsoft Azure Media Analytics

微软通过Azure媒体分析扩展了其Azure媒体服务, 一个模块化工具平台,旨在帮助公司从他们的视频中获得有用的见解. 该平台的新组件包括人脸检测,它不仅可以检测人脸, but also detects their emotions; Motion Detection that's able to filter out false positives such as shadows on a wall; and Video Summarization that consolidates long videos so they can be reviewed quickly. 对于摘要功能,用户可以选择他们想要的最终视频的长度. 该平台的一个组件即将推出有限预览版:Hyperlapse类似于视频摘要工具, but is meant for action cam and cell phone footage; it can reduce a video's length and smooth jerky footage. 最后,Indexer并不是新功能,但有一些新功能. Announced at NAB 2015, Indexer takes the speech from a video and makes a text file, which is useful for searches. It now supports six additional languages (French, 德国, 意大利, 中国人, 葡萄牙语, and Arabic) in addition to the previous English and Spanish. Currently in public preview, these services are free to test for Azure customers, but don't expect them to stay that way.—特洛伊德雷尔

Honorable Mention

Advantech VEGA-7000 Server

媒体Excel HERO VP9 Encoding to YouTube

NextVR VR Production Truck

Ramp Altitude CDN Multicast + Wowza Streaming Engine

Ustream eCDN

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