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Highwinds, Wowza, 索伦森, 谐波: Using Adaptive Streaming

的 industry is moving toward HTTP流媒体, said Chris Bray, vice president of Highwinds. That's where all the innovation is right now and it's a necessary technology for supporting the growing base of mobile viewers.

布雷开始了一场战斗 圆桌会议 由StreamingMedia主持.本周三。com. 在其中,专家来自 Highwinds, Wowza, 索伦森, 谐波 offered advice to those looking to use adaptive streaming effectively, took questions from the attendees.

Not only is HTTP use rising, 说布雷, but RTMP is dying; it's not happening today or tomorrow, but its lifespan is limited. All of Adobe's recent investment is in HTTP dynamic streaming, 他补充说. He offered the audience an adaptive streaming workflow, as well as a list of "pain points," such as re-encoding their libraries of content.

下一位是查理·古德, Wowza的首席技术官, who asserted that adaptive streaming offers the best experience over any network to any device. He listed the four common adaptive streaming technologies now on the market (Apple HLS, Adobe RTMP, Adobe HTTP, Microsoft Smooth Streaming), as well as the one on the horizon (DASH, for dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP).

Content owners should consider HTTP, 很好的说, because it's easier to stream to firewalls or mobile devices. It offers greater latency with live streams, however. Each protocol is tied to a different DRM scheme, content owners will need to use multiple protocols to reach their entire audience, 他补充说

Good told the audience how to prepare content with multiple renditions and suggested common renditions to use.

Offering lessons learned it the field, Randon Morford, director of product management for 索伦森 Media, said that almost everyone wants a broad range of bitrates and frame sizes when they're starting out, but most find they can't afford to encode to all the data rates they think they need. Luckily, he said, that broad range isn't necessary.

Morford showed how to look at how a site's viewers and decide which renditions will do the most good. He also taught that long-form videos (those five minutes or longer) do better broken into six-second chunks with keyframes every two seconds, while short-form videos (under five minutes) should have two-second segments with keyframes every two seconds. 

Last up was Moore Macauley, director of product management for 谐波, who said that 4MB video streams weren't used much today, but would be more important in the future as more viewers bought connected TVs. He also suggested that network data caps will play a large roll in how the streaming video market develops. Stream size is especially important to those viewing video over a 3G connection. 的re's still room for improvement in getting high-quality video from low bitrate streams, 他补充说.

Attendees had a generous 20 minutes at the end of the webinar to ask specific questions. 的 How to use Adaptive Streaming for Multi Screen Delivery webinar will be online for the next 90 days and is free to view. 需要注册.

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Highwinds Completing Transition from RTMP to HTTP

的 future of CDN-delivered video is cacheable, HTTP流媒体, with MPEG DASH ultimately taking over, Highwinds的克里斯·布雷说

Cisco, RealNetworks, Adobe, 谐波: Adaptive Streaming and HTTP

Learn how to use HTTP delivery and adaptive bitrate streaming to give viewers the strongest experience possible.

How to Encode for Adaptive Streaming

Watch this workshop from 流媒体 East to learn adaptive streaming for Flash, iOS, 安卓, 和Silverlight.


A look at what adaptive streaming is, the primary technology providers, the factors you should consider when choosing an adaptive streaming technology

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