
Commentary: Pieces of (VP)8

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上周在阿姆斯特丹举行的IBC 2008提供了许多有趣的消息. Just like its United States counterpart, 每年四月举行的全国广播协会(NAB)节目, many major companies, from Adobe to Microsoft, made major, 可能改变游戏规则的公告或预先公告.

在我们关于IBC 2008的报道中,没有任何一篇文章比这篇文章获得了更多的读者(以及匿名读者的回应) "H.264 Wins: Now What?" First published in the inaugural European version of Streaming Media 杂志,并在IBC和即将到来的流媒体欧洲展(10月16日至17日在伦敦)上发布。, 文章最初的版本是这样开头的:

你可能是在阿姆斯特丹国际广播展IBC 2008期间读到这篇专栏文章的, 同时,流媒体欧洲2008展也将在伦敦举行. If this is your first issue of the magazine, 我们欢迎你的到来,并向流媒体在整个欧洲取得的进步致敬."

这篇文章写于6月初,在付印前的7月稍作修改. It noted that, while H.264似乎占主导地位,但还有其他格式:

"Microsoft has VC-1, which is a U.S. SMPTE(电影电视工程师协会)标准," the article stated, , On2 Technologies有VP6(简化版和增强版)。. But even these two powerhouses are embracing H.264: Microsoft's IIS 7 server component supports H.On2拥有一家使用H . 264的欧洲公司Hantro.264 for embedded video delivery. 有人猜测,这两家公司还将发布更多公告.264 common format juggernaut continues to role forward."

H.264 vs. VP6
I was well-versed in the H.264和VP6的比较,他在2007年12月撰写了一份白皮书,名为 Flash Video Codec ComparisonOn2于2008年7月初在其网站上发布了这一消息. Around the same July time, Jan Ozer also wrote a piece for StreamingMedia.com conjecturing on the "what if?" scenario of Microsoft implementing H.264 in Silverlight; to Jan's credit, he saw the writing on the wall. 虽然Jan和我可能在高清和标准清晰度内容的一些基本问题上存在分歧——比如白皮书显示高清获取的内容效果更好, 低比特率的SD流媒体内容- jan将H.264 to Microsoft H.264 squarely.

在IBC的第一天,微软宣布支持H.264 playback in Silverlight, 我们的编辑让我把微软的新信息加进印刷版的报道中, and then published "H.264 Wins" to the StreamingMedia.com website.

几乎是在同一时间,质疑“获胜”评论的电子邮件开始源源不断. Reasoned responses, 比如VBrick的Rich Mavrogeanes对互操作性需求的评论, are a welcome addition to the dialogue. Even those comments that disagree are welcome, 因为所有的作者都习惯于接收并回应指出潜在错误的批评性反馈.

一组有趣的匿名评论者也开始发送反馈, heavily bashing the idea of H.264成为“赢家”不是因为质量,而是因为被认为未能以有利于某一特定公司的方式报道新闻, On2 Technologies.

“这个消息对你或其他关注视频行业的人来说显然并不意外," said one commenter, who didn't give a name. "At Streaming Media East, as Microsoft announced the 'Move Networks' deal, 他们透露Silverlight不会被束缚在“传统格式”上,许多人立即意识到今天的H.264 adoption was inevitable."

Remember that the article was written back in June. The commenter, though, 似乎知道了一些直到9月9日微软才正式公布的信息.264 wins" article was published online.


“作者‘缺乏’,却不愿意讨论实施新‘标准’所带来的‘成本’。!!" the commenter wrote. "Tim, 你不回答这个问题我是不会放过你的, 为什么你或其他视频记者不讨论MPEGLA & VIA licensing fees??"

这种“许可纠纷”的主题在我之前收到的On2股东评论中很常见, 快速查看了这位匿名评论者的电子邮件地址,发现On2股票留言板上有大量帖子, praising On2 as a "strong buy." I then responded to the commenter by email, 要求澄清评论和挫折是否意味着解决On2的立场(无论是股票还是股票), market share or both) but have yet to hear back. In the meantime, 这位评论者在丹·雷伯恩的视频商业博客上发表了完全相同的评论.

Fast forward five days to September 13, 很容易理解为什么一些潜在的了解On2情况的人可能会对微软宣布它将采用H.264 as well as our analysis of it. Under the title "On2 VP8 Surpasses H.264, VC-1, Real Video in Quality and Performance,该公司向全世界宣布了最新版本的编解码器, VP8. 新闻稿援引Move Networks首席执行官的话说,该公司计划使用VP8, 不过就在几天前,微软刚刚宣布增持Move的股份.

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