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Big Tech's Dirty Underbelly: Sharethrough's Frank Maguire Discusses Innovative New Approaches to Greener Streaming


许多科技巨头喜欢 Meta, Amazon, and Google 是否宣布了到2030年实现碳中和的承诺. 但这一目标的可行性如何,以及用于实现这一目标的资金真正流向何处?

这些公司从广告中赚取数千亿美元。占Google收入的80%,Meta收入的90%)——然而,正是这些广告导致了气候变化. Sharethrough研究, 全渠道供应方程序化广告平台; 显示,一个视频或展示广告印象平均代表1g的二氧化碳排放, 100万次广告展示相当于1公吨的二氧化碳排放量.

组织如 流媒体绿化, with its 低能源可持续流(LESS)协议, and Kibo121, 一家帮助媒体技术公司走上可持续发展道路的咨询公司, 直接解决这些问题的方法有哪些. Sharethrough 正在努力为记者建立一个“可持续的广告生态系统”, 内容创造者, 应用程序开发人员.“它已经发射了它所谓的 首个绿色媒体产品 GreenPMPs™与…协调 Scope3今年早些时候推出了 绿色媒体峰会这是广告业第一次关于可持续发展的会议.

Sharethrough的洞察力副总裁 & Strategy, Frank Maguire, 讨论了可持续流的现状, 流管道在实现碳中和的各个阶段所面临的挑战, Sharethrough和其他组织采取了哪些行动来减少流动的二氧化碳排放, 以及更多关于流媒体杂志的独家采访.  

Tyler Nesler: What are some innovative approaches that Big Tech companies are currently taking or can take to help alleviate the carbon emissions impact of their advertising activities?

Frank Maguire: 它主要可以归结为三个步骤:测量、减少和补偿.

一旦广告商或广告技术公司可以测量他们的排放量, 他们会寻找尽可能减少它们的方法. For advertisers, some innovative approaches are combining the benefits of Supply Path Optimization (SPO) with carbon measurement not just to find the most direct path to supply but also to start cutting sites and partners with higher-than-average emissions. 这种方法被称为碳路径优化(CPO).

清除高排放网站自然包括广告网站(MFAs)。, which are sites that are wasteful for both advertising performance and emissions since they arbitrage cheap traffic to sites with often stolen or AI-generated content with many above-the-fold ads. Sharethrough最近承诺在默认情况下从所有交易中删除MFA网站.

Publishers are working to reduce their emissions by finding the sweet spot of removing unnecessary tags and bidders on their sites without reducing revenue. 许多发行商已经证明这不仅可行,而且还能提高收益.

Adtech companies like Sharethrough are taking this a step further by offering turnkey Low Emission PMPs and helping to compensate for the remaining emissions caused by the delivery of programmatic ad campaigns.

内斯勒:按照目前的速度, what do you estimate is the probability of Big Tech reaching its public commitments to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030? 你认为这是一个现实的时间表吗?

Maguire: I believe the adtech industry has a much better chance than most industries to reach carbon neutrality by 2030. Unlike, say, 航空或复杂制造业, Adtech对整个供应链和用于投放广告的服务器有更多的控制. However, 即使广告技术行业有潜力在2030年前实现碳中和或净零排放, 我们的星球需要各行各业的每个人快速行动, 因此,我们没有时间浪费采取行动.

The good news is the enthusiasm from events like the 绿色媒体峰会 and membership from across the adtech world in working groups like AdNetZero and the IAB技术实验室的可持续发展小组 是否证明了该行业对这一主题的重视程度. The goal of reaching carbon neutrality or even net-zero emissions by 2030 can only be tackled through collaboration, 看到我们在这一主题被列为优先事项后仅仅一年左右的时间里取得的进展,令人感到欣慰.

Nesler: Could you discuss some of the unique challenges of predicting and measuring carbon emissions at each stage of the advertising supply chain?

Maguire: One of the largest challenges in predicting and measuring carbon emissions is all the unique variables at each part of the programmatic supply chain. 很难知道一个组织是如何从能源网络中获取电力的, 或者他们的服务器有多高效.

发行商网站也是独一无二的,根据广告位置的不同,它们的排放量也不同, media players, content, 甚至后端因素,如脚本和插件. 考虑到你伴侣的能源使用情况, 哪些因素会增加你的碳足迹, 在此过程中,有许多步骤存在未知因素,可能会影响预测和测量排放.

甚至测量拍摄或开发创意资产所需的排放也可能相当复杂. 尤其是视频内容, 你需要考虑从旅行到拍摄地点的所有事情, 所有的机器和摄像机都在供电, 为剧组准备的食物,这个单子还在继续.


Nesler: Please describe the critical initiatives of Sharethrough’s GreenPMPs project–how long has it been active, 与Scope3合作的主要好处是什么, 这个项目的长期目标是什么?

Maguire: 就在一年前,我们推出了我们的第一款绿色媒体产品,greenpmp™,其范围为3. One of the main benefits of partnering with Scope3 is they have a sophisticated model to measure the emissions from the full path of an ad from advertiser to user. This enables us to measure the carbon emissions generated by the ad campaign and allocate a small portion of the ad spend towards neutralizing that same amount of carbon through high-quality carbon removal projects.

greenpmp™的目标是使品牌和广告商能够补偿剩余的部分, 运行数字广告活动不可避免地产生碳排放. 造成这些排放的部分原因是文件大小和数据传输. 目前不可能有失重的文件,所以总会有一些碳废物.

We want to be transparent and educational in our approach so that other organizations in the space can learn and adapt. 其中一部分是发射 greenpmp.io, 哪个实时跟踪8,000 and growing advertisers that have run on GreenPMPs and how many emissions have been compensated for to date.

Nesler: What are the types of carbon removal projects that GreenPMPs/Scope3 do to help minimize the carbon emissions from the programmatic supply chain?

Maguire: We partner with Carbon Direct是最值得信赖的碳补偿组织之一. 他们投资了一些补偿项目,包括:

  • 生物炭和碳土壤储存: 土壤中的碳比其他任何地方都多. 碳土壤储存, 这是一个安全的地方,它不会轻易逃逸,也不会影响植物的生长.
  • Reforestation: 与当地社区共同开发了小型农业用地及其周边的植树项目
  • 改善森林管理: 改善当地社区的森林生长和相关的碳去除发展

Nesler: The 绿色媒体峰会 was hosted earlier this year by Sharethrough–as the advertising industry’s first conference on sustainability, 这次活动的主要收获是什么? 在会议期间是否有什么特别令人惊讶或意想不到的见解?

Maguire: 来自各大品牌的约300名与会者和演讲者参加了长达7个小时的会议,座无虚席, agencies, publishers, DSPs, SSPs, 以及其他广告科技公司, the first major takeaway was the industry is very enthusiastic about the topic of sustainability and eager to make a difference.

采取行动的热情也是显而易见的, but there were many calls for the industry to adopt carbon emission measurement standards so that everyone is measuring off the same data set. That said, 一整天, the topic of action over perfection reiterated the need for the advertising community to stop wasting time and start making changes. 在IAB技术实验室面板上, Curt Larson, 他是IAB技术实验室的董事会成员,也是Sharethrough的首席产品官, 用灭火来类比, “如果消防车出现在一所房子前, 他们不会停下来分析哪些房间着火了. 他们只是开始救火,然后边救火边学习.”

最令人惊讶的时刻出现在机构小组讨论期间, 其中包括大多数大型机构控股公司的可持续发展主管. 他们一起工作的愿望和承诺, 的竞争前, to help set standards and use their buying power to prioritize more sustainable partners was inspiring for a group that can otherwise be very competitive.

Nesler: What do you think are some practical ways to incentivize consumers to reduce time spent online in order to lessen their online internet usage carbon footprint?

Maguire: Asking consumers to lower the amount of time they spend online is likely a lost cause since we are only more and more connected every day on more and more devices. The real question should be not how we spend less time online but how we make the Internet more sustainable.

(欲进一步了解流媒体的可持续性,请观看演讲 超越漂绿的可持续发展green of Streaming的创始人多姆·罗宾逊(Dom Robinson)来自美国 流媒体东部2023.)


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Dom Robinson谈论流媒体的可持续性和LESS协议

Streaming Media's Tim Siglin sits down with 流媒体绿化 Founder Dom Robinson to discuss streaming sustainability and the LESS Accord in this exclusive interview from 流媒体东部2023.


在这篇文章中,我将扩展先前的可持续性方法, 详细说明考虑其他功耗优化领域的原因, 并邀请跨流媒体工作流程的不同利益相关者参与流媒体杂志, GoS, 以及志同道合的利益相关者,在2023年中后期围绕《百家乐软件app最新版下载》发起倡议, with an overall goal of readers recommending measurable best practices for consideration by September 2023.


Kibo121负责人兼首席执行官Barbara Lange讨论了如何让媒体公司走上可持续发展的道路, 降低功耗, 流媒体的蒂姆·西格林在2022年流媒体西部会议上接受了采访,并变得更加环保.


创新挑战满足了能耗现实, with a need to address the balance of both as well as the reuse of old technologies that still have usable life.


The time has long since passed to turn our attention to making the streaming delivery ecosystem more environmentally friendly. 以下是一些关键的挑战,以及一些建议的解决方案的第一步.